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Posts posted by jcawork

  1. Hey Guys,

    Thanks so much for caring. I finished spine rad today and my back pain is much relieved.

    I saw a gastro for my daily diareaha and horrible belly pains. He scoped me and said looked fine and has no idea whats going on. At first he thought Crohns. Living on Imodium, his meds didn't help.

    The back and belly have debilitated me. Have not been out a lot to do fun stuff because of the pain and running for a bathroom at all the wrong moments. Hoping to get out more.

    Finished Brain rad a few months ago and get rescanned in 2 weeks. Dreading it. Just dreading it.

    I read the board every day and post some but I just have not been a tower of positive stuff so I shy away.

    Chemo starts again Tuesday. Topo. Round 4.

    Kids and hubby are great.

    Millie et al, thanks again for caring.



  2. Thanks for the responses.

    I told them no yesterday as it was day 15 post chemo and I should have been coming up by now. Went in this am for blood recheck and was above the transfusion mark, so no blood this round. Yikes, that was close.

    Still very anemic 9.4 and 26 on hgb and hct, but got Procrit and it is climbing, just slowly.

    Thanks again,



  3. I am at the threshold where I need one if my counts are not any better tommarow.

    Have you had low reds, how did you feel. I feel like total crap! Did you get a transfusion? Any reaction? And what were your numbers w/ you got it.



  4. Well, I have had this flank pain I have been complaining about for 4 months. I have been in so much pain, I was unable to lay down for the hour long MRI. So, they did xrays and a CT which said all okay. WRONG! MRI is the gold standard for every body part.

    I found a stand up MRI and had it done yesterday (Have no idea why none of my medical experts knew this machine existed I found it on the internet). My onco suspected the other reports were wrong and I had a met.

    I start radiation for it tommorow. The good news is its an old met. It showed up on my pet 4 months ago, but w/ the xrays and Ct came back ok, they wrote it off to Deg. Disc. Disease. My onco feels the Topo has held it at bay. It has not entered the cord and there is only one.

    Who has had spine radiation? How did it go? Did it work?

    I have been sobbing all day. Its not new and I dont know why I am not getting more out of that good information. I am just worn out and scared. My blood pressure has been very low, my RBC is way down and I feel like crap.



  5. Jock Ewing (forgot real name) died of LC while on the show and Cliff Barnes (ken Kerchavil) has survived it for 10+ years but refuses to discuss. I saw him on an interview last year and he got pissed off at the interviewer for bringing it up and shifted the conversation to his antique business.


  6. Only thing that worked for me was Chardonnay and Fudgesicles. I made a joke of this a while back, but it was actually true. I also didn't feel as hung over as I did from the other sleep med choices.

    Got Dr. approval, he could have cared less. As long as my liver counts were fine he said "knock your self out". Now, I am talking about a couple glasses right before bed, not a couple bottles.

    Tylenol Pm is tylenol and benydryl,many people have the opposite reaction (says it on the box too) and this can make you hyper. It makes me hyper, but my husband is in coma w/ one pill.


  7. I had my CT/PET Fusion. Its been 2 cycles of the Topotecan.

    Rt lung nodule smaller

    Lt lung nodule same

    left ovary smaller

    Rt ovary smaller

    Hot spot in liver and spine again only on PET considered hemangioma and Deg. Disc. Disease. not mets.

    The reduction was minimal 1 cm here, 1 cm there.

    Onco still feels its a positive response. Will continue on Topo.


  8. I thought I would update you on my flank pain in case anyone else ever suffers from this and because I have suffered for so long and I don't trust a soul at this point. Has anyone else have experience w/ pinched nerves?

    My hussband took me to his Chiro (I have never seen one before) and he took xrays too (like the ortho work-up). He says my Ortho work up only went to T-10 and T-11 and T- 12 show pinched/compressed nerves. The vertebrea are sitting crooked, kind of half cocked. I can see this on the xray even though I can't really read them. That this is typical for this area (T-12) to radiate down to the flank area. He gave me a film copy to give my Onco.

    I have had 2 days of manipulations and I actually hurt worse if thats even possible.

    He said Thorasic is less common than lumbar and the Ortho just assumed it was lumbar and should have checked the whole thing??????

    He think's I probably coughed it out of alignment with my pneumonitis I had badly for 6 months.

    Have you heard of this? Does this sound correct or possible. I would hate to spend time and money w/ a Chiro if it isn't correct.

    Thanks in advance of any feedback.


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