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Posts posted by jcawork

  1. I would post this in ask the experts if you havnt already.

    I also posted this question a few months ago. Mine was up and down for months. My Onc. said he felt mine was related to rad of my chest and related inflamtion and damage as mine was normal upon dx, then started climbing as I had rad. Now normal again.


  2. Yes, I agree, they should all be remembered.

    I looked up each of them and a few others I know that died of this disease and almost all of them have no mention of thier LC in their press releases.

    To have had this disease, struggled through tx and to not share this as the cause of death is more of the same. For breat cancer their are so many public figures that share about their stuggle,share intimate details of tx, but not for LC.

    George Harrison had throat cancer

    Elizabeth Montgomery had colon cancer

    Richard Block was VERY public about it and I read his book. What an inspiration.

    My point here was not to come up with a list of public figures that died of LC, but to see if there are current, public figures out there screaming from the roof tops that they have survived. There is not.

    This all started w/ I saw Ken Kerchaval interviewed and couldnt believe he didnt want the intervier to discuss that he was a survivor. He almost seemed embarrased. He wanted to talk about antiques. I was stunned. I figured if anyone knew of surivors, it would be our group on this board as I have found this group to be such an wealth of info.


  3. My understanding (and it may be wrong) is that her lung is a colon cancer met as she had colon cancer a few years back and that her LC is not a new primary, If its colon its a whole different ball game than if its primary LC.

    Also hoping she does well. I wish more "stars" would come forward. They are so ashamed. I saw an interview recently w/ Ken Kerchavil who played Cliff Barnes on Dallas. The interviewer found out he was a LC survivor and brought it up. He looked shocked, blew her off about it and only wanted to talk about his antique dealing business. I was so sad to see yet another public figure hide and not share every detail.


  4. I would post this in ask the experts.

    I also had ear ringing from the Cis, it took a number of months to pass and I have perm. hearing loss. The cost of having cancer. Nothing they can do for me.

    Captosar does not have much in the way of lingering as far as I know. Primary diareaha issues.

    Post in ask the experts for a Doc to answer.


  5. A couple thoughts.

    One, the orginal question could be posted on ask the experts.

    Second, I also had months of chest scans and had to demand comparisons from one scan to the next. This was accomplished by me writing on the order "compare to CT study of 11/8/04". Low and behold, the next scan w/ this as the instruction/order did just that, compared the two. The other trick is to request that the same radiologist read the films. Most places hate this, but are compelled to do it when requeted. So mine now say. Please have Dr. Sinaih read and compare. The reason, they each use different templates and read very differently (scary).


  6. I found her number and called her last night at home in Alaska. She answered and said she was on long distance and would call me back.

    I very quickly asked her if she was okay and she said yes. I told her the board was looking for her :)

    Hoping to hear from her soon.


  7. Katie and Rick,

    Please get rid of this moron that keeps doing this. Its hard enough that you two deal w/ this board for us, but to have to monitor this crap is too much to ask. Sorry to ask, but this person is just destructive and taking up way too much time. Get rid of them.

    Dr. Joe,

    You know when involved in any community (work, church, school) there will be people issues. Ignore them.


  8. Yes, mine had also been the most stressfull 2 years of my life pre dx. My husband had a severe heart attack, my son was in an almost fatal MVA, my ex husband (who I adore) was in an almost fatal Motorcycle accident and I opened and then closed a resturant including great debt that year.

    I will add, I was also smoking like a crazy, but my Doc said smoking's role takes many, many years to see its effects.


  9. This is the kind of story that makes me nuts. This young guy, 49 and why isnt tx working? Its the same tx we all got. Why does it work for some and then not others? I know, I sound nuts, but it breaks my heart.

    I am so happy he will be at your wedding. I am sure it will mean the world to him.

    Why hasnt CPT-11 been tried?

    My heart is breaking for you both,


  10. Went to see my onco today to discuss my scans and he announced I was now done w/ chemo-see you in 3 months. That I did the 2 extra rounds and that he didnt want me to do any additional. I was shocked, stunned and cried like a baby. Hugged everyone in the office as I left.

    PCI ahead of me, but I can't beleive I am done w/ chemo.

    Seeing a pulminologist next week about the plueral effusion and cough. Setting up PCI.

    I can't believe I am done w/ chemo, IV's, blood counts, neupogen, all the side effects and just plain feeling like a chemo patinet (needs no further description for you guys as you know what I mean).

    Thank-you for continuously holding me up when I just couldn't so it myself.


  11. Went to see my onco today to discuss my scans and he announced I was now done w/ chemo-see you in 3 months. That I did the 2 extra rounds and that he didnt want me to do any additional. I was shocked, stunned and cried like a baby. Hugged everyone in the office as I left.

    PCI ahead of me, but I can't beleive I am done w/ chemo.

    Seeing a pulminologist next week about the plueral effusion and cough. Setting up PCI.

    I can't believe I am done w/ chemo, IV's, blood counts, neupogen, all the side effects and just plain feeling like a chemo patinet (needs no further description for you guys as you know what I mean).

    Thank-you for continuously holding me up when I just couldn't so it myself.


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