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Posts posted by SJAS

  1. Welcome Karen,

    A friend who spoke at our rally last Friday gave us several memorable moments about smokers who get lung cancer. He said he learned how to smoke when he was young and learned how to do it very well. He also said that of all he has gone thru (including WBR) his biggest miracle is that he doesn't smoke anymore. By the way, he's a 3 year squamous cell survivor - back to work and doing great.

  2. I believe there is far more to be learned about the real mechanics of what causes lung cancer. Did you know that only 2 out of 10 smokers get lung cancer. Just received fascinating report from CDC on Smoking related morbidity. Lung cancer is at the bottom of the list! Far more likely to get emphysema, chronic bronchitis and heart attack.


    As far as secondhand smoke: My husband's father was a smoker, but worked afternoons and was an avid gardner and outdoorsman. My husband never smoked. He has an older brother & sister who were both heavy smokers until about two years ago. They are fine. The twist: they are adopted and he is not. Check the new family studies being done.

    While I'm not saying that smoking does not play a part, there is obviously much more to the equation.

  3. Bill,

    Steve has been on either Zometa or Aredia since beginning treatment in Aug '03. He has had considerable pain, but his seems to be completely from the cancer. Now that his cancer is stable (on Iressa), he has been able to completely remove himself from pain meds.

    You don't mention any involvement of the liver, but if there is you might want to be careful with the Vicodin. Due to liver involvement, Steve was told that morphine (MS Contin) was a much better choice as it was not so hard on the liver.

  4. Sharon,

    Once when Steve had a major turnaround, one of my friends from church (a young mother who had almost died from cancer in her leg) came by and whispered in my ear..."we DO believe in miracles, we DO believe in miracles!" So thrilled to hear of your dad's miracle.

  5. Our nail biting is over for a bit. Steve's MRI and CT both came back basically STABLE! All liver functions have now returned to normal levels, and his platelets are up to the 70's. Bet you all heard our family's collective breath being let out. Too happy to even think.

    Of course, the big comedian was at his finest. One of the nurses was working the last day before leaving for her baby's birth and when she walked by Steve told her, "Whuuuh - over infused!"

  6. Kinda like Steve said when the nurse said that the insertion of a chest tube could be "pretty uncomfortable" - He said obviously anyone who would say that had never been through it! Sounds just like what's happening here!

  7. Tracy,

    Steve has been on Iressa since July and the only side effect has been the rash. We will know more after getting MRI and CT results this week, but I can tell you he is sooo much better. He was able to stop morphine and seems to not have all the pain he stuggled with before. We met a woman who has been on Iressa for 2 1/2 years (got it during trials under compassionate use after chemo failure), a 3 year survivor on Iressa (not sure how long on the med). Also met an 8 year survivor who is on Iressa (again not sure how long - met on the rush at our rally). She also had Gamma Knife brain surgery and WBR and is doing well! Hope Iressa is the answer for your dad too.

  8. Katie,

    You really do a great job. As a matter of fact, I did bring up LCSC during the t.v. interview and gave your web site, mentioning how helpful it was. I had sent an email to see if you had any pamphlets for me to distribute at the event and the other places I went, but maybe you didn't get it because I didn't hear anything back. I did list this web site on the program as a place to get more info (if you want a copy send me your address and I can mail one). I know how much work it is to keep this going and fight for resources and I will be glad to spread the word.

  9. Jean,

    My husband had a perfectly clean MRI, followed by a clean CT and we thought we were cruising in the miracle category. The doc wanted to do PCI and we refused. A month later Steve had 15 brain mets. So guess those microscopic cells just hide everywhere. Steve had to start chemo again for systemic cancer after WBR, but didn't work so he went on Iressa and things are looking good! Thinking of you because I know this comes as such a shock when things feel like they're under control.

  10. Incredible. My first thought was just like Becky's. How weird to hope someone has breast cancer. But what qualifies as good news sure gets skewed in the lung cancer business, eh. Keeping good thoughts for you.

  11. Beth,

    Steve was extremely fatigued during and after WBR, and it continued probably three months after. It is a bit hard to separate tho' because he started chemo again after WBR. Steve has fairly severe numbing, particularly of both feet and three fingers of his left hand due to peripheral neuropathy from the chemo. Tell Bill to hang in there. The fatigue does eventually get better.

  12. Carleen,

    Oh my heavens - what you've been through!! I'm glad Keith's WBR is finished. That knocked Steve out for months. You both need to get a break from all the stress. Now's the time to accept all those open offers of "if there's anything I can do..." This is no time to be independent. People really do want to help. Take care.

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