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Posts posted by caledon

  1. It has been three weeks since my Mother – my confidant and best friend – has passed away. Throughout Her career in the medical profession She never tired in Her advocacy for those under Her care and for that I am especially proud. May we all find such a voice when we need it the most!

    What bothers me most was her constant (close to the end) admonishment – tell/ask me what you want to know! – Sorry Mom I never understood? We discussed it all. What had to be said was expressed. She enjoyed life immensely; nay, cherished it - especially Her Roses, Music and Golden Retrievers – Her favorite (Charles(Charlie)) passed August 2001.

    Mercifully, My Mom did not suffer. The end was quick! She was lucid up until the end. What the Cancer/… did to Her in the last two months… . My prayers for all!



    To each and everyone my best - Take care! God bless you All! Hoping for a day when this will not be necessary! "Give" to the cause - gene therapy and T-cell research (Bio-technology) is the way and the future. Chemo is/will be like blood letting of old. One hell of an education – thanks mom – I love you. Ya think ya could’ve eased up a little. As always...teaching us something new. Could've done without this though. I know if ya got to it...well...at least on your terms… I hear a piano:-) ^i^

  2. Becky, the post in question was not my own. It was one I responded to after it started to get well ugly (not in a bad way) just someone having a…well - bad day…? From what I gather this post has spurred all the legal disclaimers over the last 24hrs.

    I don’t see why they are worried though? This site is tame compared to Yahoo, MSN boards etc! Gee; the yahoo finance boards should’ve spawned at least 10 million suits since the bubble popped…! Disclaimers!!!

    I Just don't like the idea that if someone choses they can delete entire threads for no other reason but they wanted too. Everything we do online leaves an electronic trail (database, server logs) to see these manipulated...well???


  3. Though I joined this website only a short-time back, I feel like I knew Tbone. Like most, I lurked here for quite a while.

    From what I saw He came from and had a wonderful family! My Heart and sympathy goes out to all of the family - especially TBone's wife and children - God Bless.

    TBone, that fishing trip, deep sea or inshore jigging - better yet West Coast crab (Alaskan), salmon or prawns:-)) A transplanted Atlanticer(sp):wink: living on the Pacific - God Speed!!!!

    PS. they still don't know what a lobster is;-)


  4. My Mother's surgery went well - the docs are happy. The meeting...well I'll leave that for another day! I guess now we're on infection watch.

    My heart goes out to T-bone's family especially the kids!

    The pictures from the Michigan party were a bonus - thanks! :-D


  5. Peggy thanks! Mom Is the health professional. She is Pissed off to the point that I and the doc's are having a chat in the AM. I did not know about this neither did she! The pre-operative bloodwork indicated significant problems! K levels and others should have been evident on the last work-up! She gets a full blood work-up every two weeks. The last being 07/15/04.


  6. Thank you, your prayers mean a lot – more than you realize! Update, Mom’s surgery has been delayed till tomorrow. Apparently there is a bit of a battle going on!/? The surgical team is upset at how the Onc team has handled Previous chemo (07/15/04) follow up. Apparently, blood counts are lower – especially potassium (almost non-existent) – than what was indicated a week ago! She would bleed out - currently on IV drip. O My GOD! Now I’m PISSED Right __ off!!!

    Advocacy People!!!

    Major meeting in the AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  7. Andrea vent away! I know what you’re going through. My mother was fine up until the chemo started. By the end of May early June she was basically out of it – Bed, recliner, bathroom, recliner, bed, that was her day. Home care support services were a godsend. In three months I have watched my Mom go from a strong, independent woman to some one who is dependent on others for almost everything. The Cancer is stable to shrinking the chemo is doing her in!

    Let your Mom go at her own speed. The effects of chemo are cumulative. Watch for signs of anemia. She has to eat: Jello, blueberries, strawberries, watermelon or cans of boost etc.

    The best to your mom and your family,


  8. Thanks for the advice Bruce,

    You are right. Please forgive my rant/vent last night. One of my mother’s charity cases called wanting help; this person knows that Mom is sick. Mom had a bad night last night…like clockwork…6 days out from chemo temp fluctuates (101-96), Nausea – don’t ask! Tonight is marginally better; though an ER run still can’t be ruled out – it’s the chemo. She has never tolerated medications well. She has adverse reactions to most drugs – even before this dx.

    Some good news: last week was that there is some shrinkage to the primary and today the Insurance OK’d the hemoglobin booster drug >>>$8,600 for 6 pills<<< Mom was fine with having blood transfusions but her doc’s pushed:-) Gotta luv them! I wish everyone here could have this group!

    God bless! I agree Voltaire was wrong – many are lol - though what he was commenting on makes one think;-)


  9. Thanks Joyce,

    I’m just venting. Mom has worked in this field since the 50’s. I think she wants me to go to the Onc meetings as a way to help me? I think she is trying to ease me into…well…?

    She knows all the Onc’s et al., after-all just a short time ago was their colleague.

    My thing tonight was that one of my Mom’s charity cases called. Mom never cared about money. Dad thought it hilarious. I think there has to be a happy medium. Anyway, for a few, the gravy train has just been derailed. Charity begins at home! For my Mom – it’s her turn!


  10. Thanks Joyce,

    I’m just venting. Mom has worked in this field since the 50’s. I think she wants me to go to the Onc meetings as a way to help me? I think she is trying to ease me into…well…?

    She knows all the Onc’s et al., after-all just a short time ago was their colleague.

    My thing tonight was that one of my Mom’s charity cases called. Mom never cared about money. Dad thought it hilarious. I think there has to be a happy medium. Anyway, for a few, the gravy train has just been derailed. Charity begins at home! For my Mom – it’s her turn!


  11. Peggy thanks for your reply.

    I’m just venting. I go to the Onc meetings per Mom’s request. She knows what is going on; she does this to help me – I think? She has worked in this field since the 50’s. The Onc’s knows her and she knows them! I think she does this to ease me into what is to…?

    As for the rest! My Mom never took anything from anyone she worked for everything – and hard! When she divorced my dad in the late 60’s she did not take a dime (his family is of means). She took my brother and I and lost us when Ovarian Cancer “came” a calling.

    Since the 70’s she has helped every sob story... paid outright other 's bill and or tuition….and…what does she get from said people…maybe a call, hold her hand, a thank you?


  12. So here is where we stand: Onc is happy, I’m pissed-off and Mom could care less either way – if you knew her you would laugh at this! We are now at the low of Last Thursday’s chemo (Taxotere) --. a very bad night tonight. The platinum’s were stopped after 6 cycles as they were knocking her flat! I keep wondering what is worse LC or the chemo? Low grade fever, wretching…etc.

    The last Onc consult ended with the Onc stating to my mother (a fellow medical professional) that she was fine except for the little hurt – him pointing to her chest – in there! Like what the ___ ? I was in university for 10+ yrs myself – D### I should have stayed in sciences! Mom laughed and I wanted too…well!/?

    Her so called friends are well…where are they now!/? How many of them did she help financially - them and/or their kids (helped pay their tuition etc.)…every sob story! Where are they?

    A question to all: do you think I should remind them of this? I will not out of respect for my mother; she would be upset if I did!

    Well one thing about this disease it gives clarity to a lot of things that from what I can see most would like to remain hidden.

    “God is a comedian playing to an audience to afraid to laugh” Voltaire


  13. Hi Ben,

    My Mother/best friend was diagnosed with NSCLC stage iv 3/04. I’m the youngest and Her caregiver (parents divorced long ago). Unfortunately I have no answers for you. Though Cancer types can loosely follow a similar progression the experience is different for each individual - trust me on this! Through my Mothers ordeal I have found that although medical technology has improved significantly over the last 50yrs when it comes to Cancer we have much to learn! Take it one day at a time. There will be good and bad days, good news and bad but you and your family will get through it!

    My Mother is/was a medical professional herself (this has forced her to retire). She already knew the questions and the answers to the questions, the prognosis, and the best case/worst case scenario. Not only was this her profession but she is also a 34 yr survivor of Ovarian Cancer (found early due cyst rupture). I was too young to remember.

    Be with her-- cherish her -- as she begins this fight! It is a roller coaster of emotion!

    Read the “So many new people. Repeat post.” On the Caregiver/family board.

    The people on this board are the best!

    Mother dx 3/04 NSCLC stage iv with liver mets (approx. 6 in one lobe) no other involvement

    Currently (07/04) condition stable with shrinkage to primary.

  14. I can't begin to say how much all of you have helped me! I have lurked on this board for awhile now! God D### I hate this disease!

    I am the primary care giver to our mother: 68 yrs dx 03-04 NSCLC stage iv. She is a 34 year survivor of ovarian cancer - yes she beat it when it was almost a 100% death sentence. Now she has to deal with this!

    Anyway to cut to the chase whether you realize it or not your words of encouragement and prayers to each other reach out beyond the confines of this bb.

    May they be returned to you in kind.

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