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Posts posted by Sandy52

  1. Janet, Im so sorry for what you are going through. Some people just sail through chemo with no problem. I was the poster child for horrible chemo trips. Your post brought back a lot of memories.

    I hired people to come do things at the house that I couldnt and my family wouldnt. Nevermind why, there were some things I needed to have done to be ok. I dont know what your situation is but if you can afford to, you might want to consider that.

    I also got my friends to come get me for short trips and take me somewhere. It was hard for me to ask peoople to do things because I am used to doing for others, but it was my survival.

    I remember after 4 rounds, having end of life discussions with the oncologist. I could barely hold my head up I was so sick. I dont know if I could have had more than 4 rounds, but it was enough so I didnt have to make that decision.

    Only you can decide your tolerence level. I just needed dark, cool and quiet so I could rest through the treatment. Yes it gets old sitting there but it may give you some additional months of life. I hope the results that are possible are enough to keep you pushing a little more. I know it is hard and depressing but we are here for you. Im so sorry this is so tough. Sometimes you need others to cheer you on when you are unable yourself, so heres your personal cheering section!!!!! Come back and let us know how you are doing.......at least once a week if you can. You are in my thoughts and prayers, Sandy

  2. Thank you all so much for the welcome. Ill cruise around and jump in as I find time this week. And thanks Bud for sharing your sucess!!! I hope to follow in your shoes, oh and also catch a beautiful fish like that as soon as it cools down a little and I can breath.....lol

  3. Hello everyone. Im really glad to find this board. I am well over my run in with cancer...for now, hopefully forever. I had a tumor in my RML found on an incidental xray 6/11. My RML was removed in 8/11 and the path report said it was poorly undifferentiated adenocarcinoma, but the tumor was contained to the lobe. Biggest concern was that 5 of 5 lymph nodes were infected. I had 4 cycles of cisplatin/etoposide after surgery finishing the beginning of November. I had a PET in 12/11 and another in 6/12 and both were NED. Just started a brand new job last week. So, I wish I could say I feel free and clear but I dont. There is that dark cloud in my mind, because of the lymph's that it will be back, but for now, I choose to enjoy each day as it comes to the best of my ability. I love all the posts and support here and look forward to being a part of this community.

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