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Update on my mom


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Its been a rough couple of weeks for me and my mom (and my family). Mom was doing ok for a week or so before her second treatment of chemo. She had that chemo and its been all down hill from there. Remember, my mom is and has been very negative and morbid in the first place. She started to feel this 'pressure' on her head after the chemo. It was getting worse and worse. She wasnt able to get out of bed, go to the bathroom, walk, she was even having trouble feeding herself. By the weekend she was refusing to eat. Finally, after a lot of kicking and screaming my mom agreed to go the the hospital.

They (mom and dad) finally got a reading of her second MRI and it wasnt good. Her largest tumor has grown and there are more tumors forming. I cant bear to write all the little details, but she is going to have gamma knife surgery. We did get the neurologist to give us a roundabout prognosis. He told us that in cases much like my moms, he feels she has about a year. That also includes the fact that my mom has no desire to fight this and just 'goes with the flow'. She has already told us that if there is, for any reason, for her to have traditional surgery that she doesnt want it.

I am scared i am going to lose my mom. I know i will, but i just dont want to!

Thanks for listening and all your support.

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I am so sorry for what you and your family are going through right now. I hope that your Mom is able to find some fighting spirit with which to battle this disease. If not, I hope that you are all able to accept the situation with peace and love.

I wish there was something I could say that would help.


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Dear Randi,

I too am so sorry to hear how your mother feels, but she's obviously going through a lot right now and it must be really hard for her to deal with all this. Let's hope the gamma knife surgery helps a bit; if she can get some respite from the discomfort, it may make a huge difference in her attitude. Try to give her as much comfort as you can while all this is happening, and take as much comfort as you can from helping her. Wish there were something more to do, but right now perhaps the best thing is to share as much as you can with her.


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