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DX Cancer


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I was supposed to have a breast reduction but the chest x-ray turned things around. I was so scared when I heard the word Lung Cancer. Thank god my husband was home & not out to sea. We had to fly to Oregon from Alaska to find an Oncologist & Radiation. I was DX May 21, 2002. I Had all my radiation at OHSU in Oregon & started my Chemo there. I was able to complete chemo in Alaska but not Rad. Then I developed brain mets. More radiation down south. Then we just found brain mets & mets in spinal fluid nothing attached so far. Just floating. So I went to Or. again when I developed bad back pain and received the radiation. I am now doing pill form (Themodar) chemo (Dec 2004). I am trying to make the best of my time when I'm feeling well. We take off in our 34' boat & meet friends in the alaska wilds, go fishing,shrimping & crabbing. Soon we leave for Maine to visit my family for the holidays. Even our Lab Ole will come with us. He is part of the family. My Mums Grand Dog & she loves dogs! My husband is so very suppotive. He is a tugboat captain and is home for several months at a time & is a great deal of support. I am pampered!! That is pretty much my story in a nutshell. I pray & think of all of you on this board each day. Good luck to all of you.



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