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Thermal ablation treatment


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Figured before I went for the recommended last line chemotherapy, I would look into thermal ablation. This non-invasive treatment amounted to a 1 day stay in the hospital. They used a CT scan to guide the needle and microwaves to ablate my adrenal met. I think the thermal ablation amounts to killing the tumor by heating it to 110 plus degrees. I left the hospital with a band aid on my back and felt better than I have in a couple of years. The adrenal met must have been causing most of my fatigue.

When the doctor can figure out what is scar tissue and what is tumor, I may have the lung ablated also, if needed.

I learned about this procedure on this website. The local oncologists didn’t seem to know much about the procedure. I did a web search for doctors offering this service and found a good experienced group in another city. They thought I was a good candidate and I jumped on it.

The information I’ve been able to gather on this website has helped me make treatment decisions. To everyone who has helped make LCHelp.com possible, I give my deepest thanks and sincere appreciation. When I was first diagnosed, I was told I only had 6 months to 1 year! It has now been 15 months and I still feel good. I’ve reached outside the recommended treatments, and found new doctors when necessary because of the information on this site. My first oncologist said palliative treatment only. He did find a clinical trial when I asked him. The second oncologist said lets just observe after the chemotherapy in the clinical trial – this didn’t appeal to me. My third oncologist said he thought he could kill the stuff with radiation. When that didn’t work, my forth doctor (Oncologic & Throacic Surgery) thought ablation would help. Any ideas where I need to look for my next conventional treatment if ablation doesn’t work?

Oh, a big thank you to all the posters who make this such a valuable resource site too!

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Yea; RF ablation seems like a great option, some on here have had it done and swear by it. I checked it out, but opted for surgery on lung., turned out whole lung was affected, so would not have been candidate for ablation anyway. But it sure seems a great way to treat tumors, if possible. Good luck with your treatments, all .....Rich B.

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