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New Insurance Plans: Good News For People Diagnosed With Can

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New Insurance Plans: Good News For People Diagnosed With Cancer

Main Category: Health Insurance/Medical Insurance News

Article Date: 07 Feb 2006 - 18:00pm (UK)

Leading cancer care charity Macmillan Cancer Relief welcomes plans announced today by the Association of British Insurers' to make insurance polices clearer.

Ayesha Owusu-Barnaby, Head of Campaigns & Public Affairs, Macmillan Cancer Relief, said: "We welcome these moves by the ABI to make it easier for consumers to understand what insurance policies are offering and the information they need to supply to get cover. At Macmillan, we know of cancer patients who haven't been covered by policies that they thought would pay out on a cancer diagnosis. This is particularly distressing because, as our Better Deal campaign highlighted, many cancer patients cite financial difficulties as second only to pain as a cause of stress for them."

About Macmillan Cancer Relief

Macmillan Cancer Relief provides the expert care and emotional support that makes a real difference to people living with cancer. We offer a range of innovative cancer services and are at the heart of improving cancer care throughout the UK.

For cancer information and support, contact the Macmillan CancerLine (Monday - Friday, 9.00am - 6.00pm) by freephone: 0808 808 2020, textphone: 0808 808 0121 or email: cancerline@macmillan.org.uk; or log on to http://www.macmillan.org.uk.

We are campaigning to get a better financial deal for people dealing with cancer. Visit http://www.macmillan.org.uk/abetterdeal or call 0800 500 800 for more information about our Better Deal campaign.

Macmillan Cancer Relief 89 Albert Embankment London, SE1 7UQ UK HELP STOP PEOPLE DYING NEEDLESSLY FROM LUNG CANCER Lung cancer claims the lives of 92 people a day but more could be saved if only it was detected earlier say Macmillan Cancer Relief and The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation. To find out more visit http://www.macmillan.org.uk/lungcancer

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