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Breath of Life Support Foundation


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Rachel (my oldest daughter) and I are starting a non-profit organization in memory of Charlie. When we walked in the Buddy's Race Against Cancer last November, Charlie named our team "Breath of Life." We have decided to use the same name for the non-profit.

This organization will primarily provide financial support to lung cancer patients and their families for such needs as gas money, utilities bills, etc. As you know, LC treatments, office visits, and hospital stays can be a hugh drain financially especially for those on fixed incomes and due to loss of the ability to work.

We also want to help in other ways for all cancer patients. Our first project is to provide portable DVD players to chemo patients during treatments. We have donated four DVD players so far to two chemo rooms and hope to donate many more. We are currently taking local donations of new and used DVDs to be given to the facilities to make use of the DVD players possible.

So far we have gotten good feedback, many DVDs donated and some cash donations. Charlie's doctor and nurses are very supportive. I've even been offered donated services to get all the paperwork prepared for getting non-profit status from the IRS.

Rachel and I are very excited about this opportunity to help ease the burden for other cancer patients and especially lung cancer patients.

Please let us know if you have suggestions, comments or questions. You never know what this could lead to down the road.

Thanks for all your support and prayers. This is another chapter in our LC journey. Wish the last chapter didn't end the way it did. But, we are trying to move on one little baby step at a time. Take care.

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This is great. I wish you well with the foundation. The IRS paperwork is no picnic so it is wonderful that you have someone helping on that. This will be such a great help to your community. Good luck-


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We are asking for uplifting (comedies, action, old funny tv shows, etc.) movie DVDs (new and used). We can also use music DVDs/CDs. These portable DVD players will play movies and music. Some people are donating soothing music CDs. Also, we are open to other suggestions.

Hope you are doing well. Are you planning on having a band competition this next year? I want to try to get our band director interested in taking the band this time.

Take care.

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