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Bad News Yesterday


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Mom has "multiple nodules" in her brain now. (I asked the oncologist how many and he said, "It doesn't say here - - " nice answer!!) 6 weeks to live with no treatment. Up to 6 months with treatment.

The doc mentioned risk of paralysis and loss of bowel/bladder control if there's spinal compression. That really scared my mom, and he recommended immediate chemo despite the risks instead of radiation to the brain/spine at this point. She asked me what I thought and I told her to go for it, so she started chemo yesterday (one drug). Today she has a 2-drug treatment and Thursday she has a one-drug treatment. Friday she will get a drug to keep the white cell count up, then no treatment for a few weeks I guess.

Holy sh*t, am I scared. She wants me to continue working this week, so I guess I will. It doesn't feel right at all to not be with her, but I guess I will honor her wishes. Does anyone have experience with/knowledge about someone receiving chemo when their system is very compromised to begin with???? God bless,


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Yes, the nurse said she should drink at least 2 quarts of liquid per day. I pray to God she will make it thru the baby's birth and Xmas (thru Xmas is her new goal now. I believe she will opt for no treatment if she makes it thru Xmas, so we have our fingers crossed for no complications during this chemo.) It's a race/fight against the clock here. Boy, do I have a headache . . . Nothing compared to what my mom has, so I better buck up!! Thx to all


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I hate to hear what your mom is going thru! Understand w/ SCLC it can be very tricky to treat. Due to the fact that it grows so rapidly and in order to give any type of treatment whether it be chemo or radiation you want to make sure that the person receiving treatment is as healthy as he or she can be.

Of course, on the other hand, you don't want to delay treatment too long because of the quickness of the growth of sclc. It is very very frustrating. I know my husband hasn't had any chemo for almost 2 months because his platlette counts have been so depleted due to the amount of chemo he had.

In almost all cases w/ sclc they don't like to treat with chemo and radiation together.. its' just too much for anyone to handle.

Right now my husband is doing IMRT ( radiation for his brain) due to reoccuring mets. but no chemo, the drs. - ( his radiologist and oncologist ) agree for him to do low doseage of this only on the brain, because the brain mets were the number one concern.

If you haven't talked with radiological options with your moms' or the staff oncology radiologist I would highly suggest you do so.

I wouldn't have thought of this before, but oncologists are not radiologist and vice-verse and they can vary tremendously on type of treatment they think is best for the individual.

Please keep us posted....I wish your mom all the best


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My mother has SCLC with many mets to her brain. In a matter of two weeks she went downhill fast. We started whole brain radiation. Today, two weeks into radiation, she is much better and doctor is ready to let her go home and live by herself again. She previously had radiation to her spine and got a lot of pain relief from it.

Based on what she has experienced, I would recommend radiation.


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Hmmm . . I asked the oncologist about radiation yesterday, and he said he was concerned that if they treated the spine and brain with radiation now, that would give the cancer too much of an opportunity to spread elsewhere without chemo. Plus, her bladder/bowel, cognition and walking has not been affected by the mets(yet). I hope he knows what he's talking about!

Another oncologist (the director of the place) is seeing my mom next Tuesday. My mom signed the HIPPA thing giving me permission to talk to the docs, so maybe I'll give a call and see. . . Thanks for your comments. Russ, happy to hear the radiation was so successful with your mom! :D


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