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Publicity - Longest Avastin Survivor


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HI everyone,

I found the following on LCA Suvivors' Community.

http://lungcancer.clinicahealth.com/com ... /13/184241

As a Stage IV, I found it quite enlightening.


My husband was in the origianal Avastin trial and continues to do well (dx. Stage 1V NSCLC 1/04). Genentech will be flying us to Chicago 10/30 along with a SCLC on Tarceva (also a Genentech drug) to be interviewed on major news networks cross country (ABC, NBC, CBS) to help create more HOPE and awareness in our fight against lung cancer. There will also be a lung oncologist from Univ. of Chicago Med. Center. We don't have too many details other then these interviews will be aired via satelite, when, where, and and which newscasters--we don't have details yet. We have been working with the p.r. firm from Genentechand I have CERTAINLY mentioned Oprah and will continue to push for mor publicity for awareness and advocacy for this nightmare, life altering disease. In some areas, this will be a live broadcast and it will be aired throughout Nov. as well. I will write more details when I receive them.

Peace and Sunshine,


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