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Fatigue, anorexia


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My husband, Gene, had his chemo and chest radiation completed Oct, 2007. In Nov, he finished his PCI. He had very few problems during chemo and chest radiation, but the PCI hit him really hard with fatigue.

It's been 5 weeks now and he continues with the fatigue along with a drop of 10 lbs in his weight since October. He keeps brushing it off on the side effects of the PCI but I'm betting nervous. He's been so stubborn lately. Should I drag him to the doctor??


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My husband had WBR, basically the same thing as PCI, in June '07. The fatigue hit him very hard as well. He became repulsed by food, lost 15 pounds in 3 weeks, and stopped all activity due to fatigue. Long story short, he was suffering from the side effects of brain radiation. These side effects lasted for about 4 months after the end of WBR. He even had another big drop in performance after seeming to partially recover. Hope this helps. MC

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