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Introduction and Need Committee Members for Walk in San Jose

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Hi all,

My name is Jason, I am brand new to these forums and am excited to be part of this community. Three years ago, my father lost his battle with lung cancer. Five months before his passing, I graduated from college and relocated from Las Vegas to San Jose in order to join Teach for America’s Bay Area Corps and begin a new chapter in my life. At the time, my family thought my father would make a recovery but his condition became progressively worse. In the months that followed, it became clear that my father would not be able to survive his final bout with the disease.

It brought me a lot of grief knowing that I was removed from the day to day happenings back home. Each day that my father’s condition deteriorated, my guilt grew for how little I could do from my new home 500 miles away.

I know that I can’t go back in time and change the way everything played out. And I know that even if I could, my father wouldn’t have wanted me too – he was way too thrilled about my new adventure in the Golden State to see me give it up on account of his illness. Yet I yearn to do something more.

When I found LUNGevity online, I was in awe of the work that they’ve done in the battle against lung cancer. I looked for ways to get involved in my area. Upon seeing that no events were being held in the Bay Area, I was compelled to start my own.

So this past week, I began organizing a fundraising walk for LUNGevity in San Jose (Breathe Deep – San Jose), and I could use your help.

Currently, I am in the process of assembling a planning committee to help with the organization of the event and am searching for individuals who are interested in being part of the committee. We would meet monthly to discuss the planning of the event, and certain committee members will also (if interested) be assigned to chair a subcommittee on fundraising, sponsorship, logistics, communications, or volunteering. It will take some time and a lot of commitment, but there is no doubt that the effort put forth by those on this committee will be vital in the success of our event.

If you or someone you know lives in the San Francisco Bay Area and might be interested in being part of the planning committee, please e-mail me at fromoltzjp@gmail.com or respond to this post.



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Hi Jason,

We live wayyyy far apart from each other, but I saw your new post and wanted to just say hi. I lost my Mom to this disease, and I have survived it, so I applaud your efforts to make a difference!

Katie has all the resources to help you with this. I wish I knew someone in the area to recommend to you, but when you live in the boonies of Michigan, just don't know folks from out there!

Wishing you the best in this!

Judy in Michigan

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Jason -

I can't help you with your event, as I live on the other side of the country! But I just wanted to say welcome to this site.

I was really moved by your post because my children are about the same age as you were when you lost your dad. I know it is hard, but speaking as a parent I just want to tell you that you should try not to feel guilty about being far away when your dad was ill. You said you know he was thrilled that you were living a new adventure and I am sure that knowing you were happy and doing well was a huge comfort to him. One of my biggest fears is that as I get sicker my children will disrupt their lives to be close to me. I would hate that, their happiness is what makes me happy and having them put that on hold would only cause me stress.

What you are doing with your walk is a wonderful tribute - I am sure your father is very proud.

Take care of yourself -

peace - Janet

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