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I feel awful - sort of - saying that our weather is still just so nice. I know how hot and dry it is in so many places. Normally we are hotter by now, but so far not this year. I am really hoping for another week or two. I hope those of you enduring the heat get some relief soon.

I took one of the ladies that I drive for chemo shopping today. She is in a retirement home and can't drive anymore. We had such a good time! I seldom shop with anyone - and am always in such a hurry and don't "browse", just grab and run. I had forgotten how nice it was to shop with another woman and just look around. She did talk me into a pair of shoes that I really loved, but didn't need. It's all her fault - that's what I'll tell my husband anyway. :) She is 30 years older than I, but with my SOB, and her age, we are just about the same speed.

Hope everyone has had as nice an afternoon as I did.


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