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Thursday's air


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Hi everyone. Glad to see you venting Katie and also glad that Diane answered you. I am sorry to have been away for so long but I have been extremely busy.

As most of you know I live in senior housing. Who ever designed these apartments was either just plain stupid or knew nothing about having to have meals or cooking. There is not one counter top or one drawer in the kitchen. For 6 years I have been making do with odds and ends of furniture. Last week one of my neighbors moved away. She had bought a counter top and didn't want to leave it so she gave it to me. I had to move all of my odds and ends and make room for it. I ended up with every surface in my apartment piles high with pots and pans, and any number of other things I had stored in those odds and ends. I moved one piece out and as it happens moving one led to cleaning one thing then another. I can't lift at all because of my back so had to wait on my good neighbors to help. as it turned out my aprartment stayed upside down for 4 days and I was unable to do anything. Finally got it in and started to put things in order Sunday night. Nice to have counters and drawers but it has been a long process. Monday we had hot dogs and the trimmings and a day of Wii games. Everything moved inside because we did get the rain all day.

Katie never let anyone get you down. You give so much more than most do and you can not be expected to always do it all. It can just over power you. I get so upset sometimes because I put days into planning events and hours of work into them only to have a few people show up. We are getting more and more new neighbors. Turnover has be very high this past two years. I am trying to find a way to get more of the new people to participate. We have some people who will come to an event right when it is time to eat then leave as soon as they are finished. I can't tell you how much that irritates me. Still the ones who do come and appreciate it make it all worth while. I have been told that having 12 or 15 people out of 48 show is a good percentage. Right now working on the blast from the past 50s party. That is the best turn out we had last year and I am hoping for the same this year.

Well I think I better get up and do a few exercises then finish some dusting. Hope you all have a great day.

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Lily, I think I’ve said before how lucky your neighbors are to have you. My mother was a huge volunteer – and remember this was back when most mothers did not work outside the home. She couldn’t get anyone to help. Aside from being in charge of the PTA and the alter society at church, she was our girl scout leader beginning with our very first Brownie meeting. Every year she would try to get another mother or two to help but didn’t have much success. Finally, about 7th grade she announced she was quitting and it would be another mother’s turn to do her part. She figured that would work because otherwise the troop would have to disband. It didn’t. At the last minute she agreed to continue simply because she didn’t want us girls to have to lose out. All I can say, is thank goodness for people like you and Katie and my mom!

It has been a little rainy here – but not as bad as they predicted. Now they are calling for maybe 90 by Friday. I am trying to get billing done today as I’m way behind, and I’m hoping to start exercising again. I had to stop for awhile, but I know I will feel better once I get started again. I go to my crochet class tonight. We are starting a new project – a hat. Hopefully it will turn out a little better than the first project :).

Janet - I hope you are feeling okay and we haven't heard from you because you are doing something enjoyable. I've been thinking about you. Stop by when you can.

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