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Saturday's Air

Bruce u

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Morning Folks

Thanks for joining in Donna. I think we should all point a finger at Cindy for this cold weather. Everything was OK before she started fanning. LOL Just teasing ya Cindy.

Donna that is why I have 2 woodstoves in my house on the farm. Living in a rural area, if the power goes it can be out for days. Having 80 acres of tree's on my land also makes it convenient. Good thing the sevice company didn't take too long.

It is a balmy -17C here this morning. This weekend is supposed to get nice and temperatures are getting close to the freezing mark tomorrow.

Have a great weekend everyone.

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Chilly and windy here in Nebraska but its a piece of cake compared to yours Bruce. Ever since I had my lung removed I am very sensitive to smells and certain odors. Woodburning stoves are one of them. Bruce does the cold temps you have up there effect your breathing. I would be afraid to venture out in some of the extreme cold you have up there. I hope you all have a good Sunday. To all of the new people reading, I do hope you will free to post your questions or experience. New people are more than welcome. You may not think you do but you have a lot to offer here. We are all on the same boat here. There is no such thing as a stupid question.

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Cold cold cold here too! Got some sort of radiant heater, which along with the fireplace, I'm hoping will keep our power bills down. They were so bad last year we considered solar, but since we're planning to sell didn't want to make that investment. At least we haven't had a lot of rain yet so ice and snow aren't much of an issue except at higher elevations. Mike I know exactly what you mean - we have gas logs now, but many people here are still burning wood and I can hardly breathe some days the smoke is so bad. I love to camp, and that's gotten hard because of the campfires. It's much better now than it used to be. In the late 80s, early 90s everyone burned wood all the time. I used to walk everyday and it was like walking through a forest fire. Now they have green days when you can burn, and red and yellow days when you can't - it's helped a lot.

Is everyone ready for Thanksgiving? The is the first Thanksgiving since I was a kid at home when I didn't have to do most or all of the work. Really looking forward to sipping a glass of wine and watching my son's girlfriend and my granddaughters peeling and slicing :D . I'll be in charge of doing the dishes!

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