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Palliative Care for Lung Cancer Patients: #LCSM Chat 1/16/14

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The next Lung Cancer Social Media (#LCSM) Chat will occur on Thursday, January 16, 2014 at 5 PM Pacific (8 PM Eastern) on Twitter. The subject will be “Palliative Care for Lung Cancer Patients.” Please note this discussion will focus on comfort care provided to a cancer patient at any time after diagnosis–before, during or after active treatment. We will not be discussing hospice.

#LCSM has invited several palliative care specialists to participate in this chat. Confirmed guests include @ctsinclair (Christian Sinclair, MD, #hpm chat co-founder, editor of http://www.pallimed.org), and @chatburn (Andi Chatburn, MD, http://www.kansascityhospice.org). One of the #LCSM Moderators, Dr. Jack West, also has palliative care experience.

Our four topics to discuss in this hour-long chat are:

T1: What services and benefits can palliative care specialists provide to lung cancer patients and their families?

T2: How can we help patients, family members and medical professionals understand differences between palliative care and hospice?

T3: How might healthcare providers best introduce the topic of palliative care to their lung cancer patients?

T4: How can we help more lung cancer patients take advantage of palliative care services?

You can learn more about how to participate in an #LCSM tweetchat at http://lcsmchat.wordpress.com/lcsm-chat/ . If you find tweetchats are not your cup of tea, please go to the #LCSM blog post about the chat (see link below) and add your questions or concerns about palliative care in the comment section by noon Thursday January 16. We’ll do our best to address them during the chat if time allows.

http://lcsmchat.wordpress.com/2014/01/1 ... -jan-2014/

Hope to see you on Twitter!

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