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Brain Radiation


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Hello Joanie,

I hope that you are doing well!

My Mom had 18 treatments of PCI (brain radiation) an agressive dose, she did lose her hair but most of it was gone anyway from chemo. She also has sensitive skin and was never really able to have her hair colored or permed with out burns from the chemicals, but she did get burns on her head, forehead and ears but they gave her a cream and that will go away soon. During the raditation, it makes you very sleepy and there is a possibility of some short term memory loss which we really haven't noticed.

The burns heal and the hair will grow back! My Mom decided that she could deal with that after all that she has been through in order to increase the chance that she will not get the cancer back again, and her brain should be protected from future brain mets if the treatments worked!

Hope this helps.

Blessings to you!


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Guest hopeful2

I just finished my 2nd week of PCI. I have been really, really tired. A little nauseous. And yes, they said I would lose the fuzz I've been cultivating. bummer. I only have 1 more week to go though. I am doing 2 weeks at low dose.

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Thanks for your response, hopeful, and i hope your treatment hurries ups and finishes with good results :D:D do you feel you would be able to work while undergoing this treatment; cause in case i do have to do it i'm trying to figure would i need to take time from work or not. what do you think?

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Guest hopeful2

I haven't tried to work. Mainly because of the fatique, and I just don't think I could focus. When I move it's like I'm in slow motion. Even around the house I do a little, rest, then do a little more. I am looking at going back to work the 1st or second week of May when this is all over.

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