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Advocacy Opportunity: Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC)

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Advocacy Opportunity - not affiliated with LUNGevity:

Share Your Experiences With Small Cell Lung Cancer
Pinpoint Patient Recruiting, a market research recruitment company, is searching for people who have been diagnosed with small cell lung cancer, or their care partners, to participate in a 10-minute online survey and a 60-minute virtual interview about their experiences.
If you or your loved one were diagnosed with SCLC in the past five years, you may be eligible to participate. Those who qualify for and participate in the study will receive $150 as a thank you (payment mailed within 7-14 dayswithin 7-14 days of completing the interview). All information and responses will remain confidential. Participants must be 18 or older and live in the US.

To see if you qualify for the study or to get more information, please visit pinpointpatientrecruiting.com/sclcinterview or contact Megan Hammond at megan@pinpointpatientrecruiting.com.

SCLC Square Graphic.png

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