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Just Wondering - Pain in Mid Back

Guest bean_si (Not Active)

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Guest bean_si (Not Active)

Has anyone experienced pain in midback or back following radiation to the lung? I finished treatments about three weeks ago but understand side effects can occur for up to 6 months or longer. I also have indigestion but I don't know if that's from the Aleve I'm taking or because everytime I gain over 120 pounds, I get indigestion.

I spent years hunched over a computer but I haven't been working in months. (12 or more hours a day) I'm worried because the pain I felt in my right mid back was attiributed to the fact that my lung cancer was growing into the lining of the wall causing pain.

My onc said wait til he sees me next week (it's been over a week so far and sometime so painful I can't concentrate.

I did notice that just touching the muscle in some area is excruciating. Pain med doesn't seem to work but I noticed a small dose of anti-anxiety med does seem to help. No, I have no one to give me a back rub and the local good masseur wants $90.

I've never had a massage. This place is Hippocrates Health Center and is reputable. Part of me is afraid to go because I feel so frail I'll break. :lol::lol: Yuck Yuck

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I can relate to your post. I am 1 year post op now and still have the pain. It is a burning pain. It is less frequent now than before. The back pain usually comes on whenever it wants to. it lasts for a few minutes and gone. I had a hard time explain to my doctor. As strange as it may seem, if i take a dose of Malox or Mylanta the pain goes away. My doctor could not figure this one out. My medical doctor gave me some Protonix (same as Previcid) and now the burning and indigestion is gone. I tried to tell him that the indigestion and back pain went together but he must thought I was crazy... :lol::lol::lol: . Hope this helps you to feel you are not alone on this. I constantly had that fear of cancer getting in my bones. Take Care. Bruce

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John had back pain also. He was given a gift certificate for Christmas for a therapeuitc massage which he could use for a one hour apt or 2 half hour apts. He took the hour and said it helped him a lot. He has since been back a few times and loves it. Go for the massage, may be the best $90.00 you've spent.

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Guest bean_si (Not Active)

Saw my onc today. He definitely does not want me to get a massage, chiropractic treatment, etc. because he think it's possible they will cause injury (in case of mets). Even though I had CT Scan two weeks ago, he told me if the pain doesn't go away with complete rest (yeah, sure) he wants to do another one in a week because this cancer travels so fast.

Now that is scary. It was only 2 or 3 days after my last scan that the pain began. How fast can this cancer move, I wonder. If it's that aggressive does the patient have much of a chance.

Then he told me that people do beat SCLC although it's fairly rare.

He also spend 20 minutes trying to convince me I should have prophylactic cranial irradiation - how important it is - how I shouldn't wait much longer. Oh geez it's hard to be alone and trying to make this kind of decision. Just when I start to feel good mentally, more doctor crud talk.

Sorry for the griping. :(

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Awwwwwwww Bean, if ya can't gripe to your friends who CAN you gripe to??? It is very hard being alone and dealing with this beast. I often wish I had a significant other to talk to but then again, most days I am glad I DON'T have someone else to worry about, lol.

SCLC is a fast growing cancer. I was told one week I was clear and the next week it showed up in my liver and lymph nodes. I have learned to roll with the punches and to take each day as it comes (after thanking GOD for letting it come).

I did have the PCI and suffered few side effects. It is a decision that we all have to make. I had mine done before the mets to my liver and lymph nodes. So far at least my brain is clear, lol.

I will be praying for you.

God Bless,


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