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Wednesday is Dad's big day!

S. Jane

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Chick (my Dad) will be seeing the doctor on Wednesday to get the final results of his tests (PET, CAT, and others). He completed four series of carboplatin/V16. He does have a clue on the PET scans - the person who did the scan enthusiastically told Dad it looked MUCH better, only saw one small spot. This devastated Dad, who was hoping for "remission", as he now believes he will hear that bad news that he will have to continue with chemo. Anyone been through this? Do they change the chemo then? Are there questions we need to make sure we ask (Dad has asked that I attend this meeting - I really hope I don't cry - really.)?

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Jane and Chick - take a deep breath and relax. If there is still evidence of active tumors, more chemo is possible, especially since it looks like not all rounds were completed as expected. Or the dr. may want to wait and see if the tumor continues to shrink. Getting an obvious response is very good news, so enjoy!

I doubt the dr. will change chemo after a good response - only if the tumors start to grow again.

Since your dad has had difficulties, I can certainly understand hoping for the chemo to be over for a while. That may come next, so keep hoping!

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Jane - Dave and I haven't posted much lately, so I'm sorry I haven't "talked" with you before. Your Dad sounds like he's doing really really well. PET Scans are HIGHLY sensitive and if only has one little hot spot, that could be something like a lymph node fighting off an infection - NON CANCER infection, that is! Dave had a PET Scan a while back, after CT scans showed no evidence of cancer - and he had a small hot spot in his lymph node in his groin, but not two weeks before that he'd had a procedure done where they punctured a large vein in his grown to run a wire up to his portacath and lasso it back in place when it slipped out place a little. Anyway, everyone just assumed that was from the healing of that puncture wound and didn't worry about it.

Hang in there. If he's doing that well, you'll want to continue that chemo. Kill all those cancer cells!

PM or email us if you want to ask more questions, it sounds like your Dad's diagnoses is very similiar to Dave's.

God Bless,

Karen C.

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It does sound like things are going well for your Dad. 1 spot is not bad! The chemo will continue to work even after the treatments are stopped but if he has had only 4 they may decided to do 1 or 2 more (I had 5). Have they done radiation? That may be the next step.

Prayers of strength and healing being sent your way!

God Bless,


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Thanks for all your replies. My head is spinning from all the re-reading I've been doing. My Mom will be bringing the tape recorder. I've written all the questions I can think of. Wish me luck. My Dad had five questions to ask that he wrote down, and he didn't touch on a lot of questions I had, so I guess I think I'll do pretty well for him. Thanks for the good wishes.


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