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New Nursing Research Project on Lung Cancer in Austin, TX


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Announcing a University of Texas School of Nursing Research Study on Lung Cancer

Dr. Lauri John, a researcher at UT Austin, is conducting a research study with lung cancer patients. She and her staff are testing an intervention to decrease fatigue and improve quality of life in people receiving treatment for lung cancer.

We are looking for participants for this study in and around the Austin, Texas area.

You may be eligible to participate if you have recently begun or are scheduled to begin treatment for lung cancer, are able to perform routine daily living activities without assistance, and can read and write in English.

Those who participate in the study will …

… receive information about ways to decrease the fatigue that often accompanies cancer treatment.

… be asked to keep a written physical activity log, complete questionnaires, and participate in an audiotaped, one-on-one interview.

… approximately half of the people will be randomly assigned to participate in a low to moderate intensity seated exercise program in their own homes.

The questionnaires ask about quality of life and fatigue. It takes about 10 minutes to complete the questionnaire each time, and it will be completed six times over a period of about 12 weeks. The interview includes questions about quality of life and ways to promote quality of life. The interview may last up to 2 hours depending on how much you want to say. You will also be asked some information about yourself (e.g., age, gender, occupation).

If asked to participate in the exercise program, you would perform a 30-minute seated exercise routine in your home while watching a videotape demonstrating the exercises at least 3 times per week for 12 weeks. The exercise program is low to moderate intensity, and you will be shown how to adjust the exercises to your physical needs.

We understand that your daily schedule may be very busy. If you decide to participate, we would be happy to arrange meetings with you at a time and place most convenient for you.

We want to work with you during your treatment – and help others in the future as they begin treatment for lung cancer.

If you have questions or might be interested in participating, please contact Dr. Lauri John at the UT Austin School of Nursing, 471-7938 or ljohn@mail.nur.utexas.edu

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