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Nursing research request

Guest mllbender@yahoo.com

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Guest mllbender@yahoo.com

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Melinda Bender. I am a research assistant working with Dr. Eun-Ok Im, MPH, PhD, School of Nursing, University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Im is currently conducting an Internet survey study regarding cancer pain management. In the study, internet survey and online forum discussions using a Web site (home-page) will be conducted to get information on pain of cancer patients. If you know anyone who is cancer patient, please help us by inviting them to participate.

We can provide flyers or e-mail the flyers relating to the research. Your assistance is greatly appreciated in this matter!

Reimbursement for participation will be made by providing 10 dollars gift certificate per internet survey participant and 50 dollars of gift certificate per online forum participant. Our project website is at http://dscp.nur.utexas.edu/PAIN/ You can also connect directly through the website below. Your help will be greatly appreciated. We apologize if you receive duplicate emails. If you have any questions, please contact us

Contact Information:

Eun-Ok Im, PhD, MPH, RN, CNS

Associate Professor

School of Nursing, The University of Texas at Austin

1700 Red River St. Austin, TX 78701

Phone: (512) 475-6352

email: eim@mail.nur.utexas.edu

home-page: http://buda.nur.utexas.edu/EOIM/

Thanks for your participation in advance,


Melinda Bender, MSN, RN, CCRN Doctoral Student,

School of Nursing,

University of Texas at Austin


Eun-Ok Im, MPH, PhD, School of Nursing, University of Texas at Austin and her colleagues are conducting a study ultimately aiming at development of computer software to assist nurses' decision making on cancer pain. In the study, Internet survey and online forum discussions using a Web site (home-page) will be conducted to get information on cancer pain of cancer patients from diverse cultural groups.

If you are cancer patients aged at least 18 years who can read and write English and whose self-reported ethnic identity is Hispanic, White, African-American, or Asian, you are invited to join the study.

Data will be collected from September 15, 2003 to December 31, 2005. Your involvement will be: (a) about 30 minutes are usually needed to complete the Internet survey questionnaire; and (B) online forums will be conducted for 7 months (6 months for 9 topics and 1 month for additional topics that the participants may add) if you agree to participate in an additional online forum discussion. Your participation is asynchronous (participants can visit the online forum site and read and post messages at their convenience). Methods for the data collection phase include an Internet survey among 400 cancer patients in the U.S. on the Internet and online forum discussions among four ethnically different online forum groups (30 members per group at the beginning).

Reimbursement for participation will be made by providing 10 dollars of gift certificate per Internet survey participant and 50 dollars of gift certificate per online forum participant. To get reimbursed for the online forums, at least two messages per topic should be posted. For more information, please visit at our Web-site

(http://dscp.nur.utexas.edu/PAIN/) and/or contact us.

Contact Information:

Eun-Ok Im, PhD, MPH, RN, CNS

Associate Professor

School of Nursing, The University of Texas at Austin

1700 Red River, Austin, TX, 78701

Phone: (512) 475-6352

E-mail: eim@mail.nur.utexas.edu

Project Website: http://dscp.nur.utexas.edu/PAIN/

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