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Detoxification, Supplments and Lymphatic Drainage

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Guest sandra.sobotka

My father was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer back in 11/03. He has completed Carboplatin/Taxol chemo with some success as of 4/3/04. Dad just recently began losing his appetite about 3 weeks ago. Still eats fairly well, but not quite as much. Shortly, afterward losing his appetite he has stopped having regular daily bowel movements. Oncologist recommended Megace for appetite and a laxative for the bowel situation. This really has not helped yet, but he's only been on this for about 4 days. Has anyone tried Megace?

We have started looking into alternative approaches after reading Dr. Quillin's book recommended by Dad's nutritionalist. Dad has been doing well on the new diet (more vegetables, minimal sugar, less meat) for 3-4 months. However, I have the followign questions, if someone can help:

1. Detoxification: At 78, Dad will be adverse to enemas and colonics. Are these necessary? Or, can detox be accomplished through products like Ultimate Cleanse (Herbs/Fiber) instead? Anyone familiar with this?

2. Detoxification: I started dad on Essiac almost 2 weeks ago. Does not seem to be helping and loss of bowel movements started about the same time. Does anyone know if Essiac has caused constipation or reduced colon function?

3. Supplements: After reading Dr. Quillin's book, it seams that ImmunoPower is the way to go, instead of our own Vitamin regimin. Anyone have experience with this?

4. Supplements: The nutritionalist recommended that my dad take Poly-MVA and Haelan 951. Are these legitimate or scams?

5. Lymphatic Drainage: Nutritionalist also recommended using a machine called "Light Beam Generator" for lymph node drainage which emitts light to break up proteins in your lymph system. Again, is this for real?

Apologies for the list of questions, we are overwhelmed and not sure what to do. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


My opinion (after doing a lot of research on my own over the years and talking to my herbologist/doctor), is that Poly-MVA and Haelan 951 and the Light Beam Generator are only a money-making business. Do your own research and seek a second opinion. I totally believe in complementary/integrative medicine, and as you can see from my signature line I am on a lot of herbs and vitamins; however, I think Poly-MVA and Haelan and the light beam are a waste of money. Maybe others know differently. Take care.

Guest bean_si (Not Active)


I WAS recommending Essiac. However, after further research I discovered there are many knock-offs of this product. They even design the package so it looks like the original. One of the components of Essiac is burdock root. There have been numerous reports that another herb has accidentally been mistaken for burdock root (looks very similar) and has been used as burdock. However, this herb is not good for the human body, at all.

Myself - I figure there may have been a few scattered incidents but it makes good press so it was over-played. In other words, probably not too much to worry about. Still I no longer want to take the risk. Given your father's age and response to Essiac, I would stop it - immediately.

There is a web site that says it sells the original products. It looks real. So real - I distinctly remembering ordering from them. But they never sent the product and I can't find the charge on my credit card. Probably a senior moment but for that reason I hesitate to give out the link.

Also, enemas, etc., can be too hard on the body of an older person. Unless enemas are administered very carefully, they can cause tears and bleeding in the rectum. As far as colonics, I'd err on the side of caution & wouldn't use them. I think it best to stick with products such as Ultimate Cleanse.

The ImmunoPower sounds good, although perhaps a bit over-priced.

I wish I could help more. My prayers and positive energy go out to you and your dad.


Guest sandra.sobotka


Thank you for your input and your prayers. We appreciate it. My Dad is getting worse. He is coughing up blood now with tissue. The doctor says if it gets worse go to emergency, otherwise we should wait until end of next week to see him at our regularly scheduled time. Can you believe it? Any suggestions? I am at a loss right now. I am scared. Actually, terrified. I just keep praying.


Guest bean_si (Not Active)


My opinion: If he coughs up a large amount of blood (rather than just flecks in sputum), take him to ER. Make sure you tell them up front he has lung cancer and is coughing up a lot of blood. That will help triage him faster.

Maybe it's normal given the circumstances but why chance any complications. ER is a pain, often a long wait even for the seriously ill but at least they can answer questions, settle your mind, and in case it's serious, you are somewhere you can get an immediate response.

I don't mind to scare you any more than you are - remember I'm not doctor just a patient.


Guest sandra.sobotka


Thanks for the encouragement. We took Dad to the doctor Tuesday. His latest chest scan shows not much difference, so they are not sure why he has started to cough up blood. Good news is that it has subsided now. Bad news is that he has become very imbalanced. They did a brain scan and he has metastatsis to the right front lobe. It is small and they recommend radiation. However, the oncologist does not think this is what is causing his wobbliness when trying to walk. Any ideas as to why all my Dad might be so off-balance? His appetite is coming back and he's only lost about 6 pounds over the past month. However, maybe he's losing muscle mass and its being replaced with water weight?

Thanks much for your support.


Guest bean_si (Not Active)

Did he have the imbalance before? It's not unusual for imbalance to increase with age. It can also be caused by inner ear disturbances. Even a sinus infection can cause fluid to build up in the ear resulting in imbalance.

It is possible that there is a disturbance in the very back of the brain behind the optical center and above the brain stem BUT since imbalance is common in the elderly I think it's more likely that. It's possible he had it before but not as noticeably and that the cancer has caused more of a strain on his system and made it more evident. Of course, I don't really know. I'm just making a guess based on my limited experience.

Hope that helps some. I'll be praying for you and your dad.



Hi Sandra

Just a thought following on from Cat's comments about the imbalance perhaps being related to inner ear disturbance. Now, I may be WAY off here, but I am wondering if it is possible that there was auditory damage was a result of the chemo, and that is subsequently causing the imbalance???

Just guessing!


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