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Thank you very much for your condolences and good wishes. I really appreciate them. Its hard to believe Friday Bill was happy and eating little candy bars and Monday he died. On the lighter side, he was chasing women right up till the end. He was flirting with all the caregivers and volunteers in the hospice and they got a kick out of him. I was thinking today about some of the funny tricks he pulled. He used to have a nurse pick him up in a van to take him to the clinic for chemo and radiation. She always called before she came out. Every so often, he wouldn't answer the phone. Instead he would stay home and drink beer and treat himself in his own way. Later he would pull the same trick on the VNA homehealth aide and his nurse until I told them to just come on out anyway even if he didn't answer. Another time they were advising him to do something and I was agreeing with them and he said he had two words for me and they weren't "Bless You". We all laughed. Thought you might get a smile out of this.


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