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Is there treatment beyond carboplatin and etoposide?


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My dad finished six cycles of carboplatin and etoposide about three weeks ago. His second scan showed a nice amount of reduction, and his most recent scan indicates that things are relatively stable. He was offered radiation further down the line with the thought that it might met to the brain, but he declined because his doc indicated that radiation enhances survivability by only 5%. He doesn't want to deal with the side effects if it doesn't have a better success rate. Is anyone aware of other options?

Has anyone received treatment beyond six cycles of carbo/etoposide? If so, what were they? Thanks. D

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I had the same chemo drugs and was in remission for over a year. I elected to have the preventative brain radiation but from what I understand there is no more medical treatments available for SCLC. I do know that you have to have a break before you can start more chemo. Not sure how long but think it may be at least 6 months.

David C

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hello.... yes therev are more treatments. i had the same as your father...5 rounds....was not working as good as it should have,,,,was changed to cpt 11 and cisplatin......and yes there are other driugs that they will use....i had no break betwwen the vp-16 and the cpt 11.

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The standard treatment protocols for SCLC are as follows....

Usually first line therapy is cisplatin and etoposide or cisplatin and CPT-11.

(Note: a cousin of cisplatin can be used it is called carboplatin, but they are the same drug in that if the cancer becomes resistant to one, it will also be resistant to the other.)

second, thrid or fourth line therapies can be any of the following....

usually they will try to go with taxol, CPT-11, or topotecan.

If these then fail, and the patient is still in a condition to undergo chemotherapy and wishes to they can try gemzar or an older regimen of drugs called CAV. CAV stands for cytoxin, vincristine, and adriamycin. These drugs do work for some patients when all the above have failed.

These are the standard oncology protocols that are ethically used all over the United States by oncologists, however, let it also be understood that an oncologist may for whatever reason decide to try a drug off of the protocol list and is authorized to do so, but this practice is largely uncommon and highly discouraged, unless of course it is a clinical trial for that cancer, in this case SCLC.

Sincerely, Jonathan R.N. (On my way to being chemo certified)

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Dear All,

My father (having sclc ls, since october 2002) was told that he would only be qualified for getting topotecan as a 3rd line treatment if he had brain mets.... Is it true or just an excuse from social security?

Does anybody have relevant information on that?

thanky for your replies.

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