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where is Katie and Dave G?


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Katie either you have not been posting or I have missed them? Hope everything is ok with you and your Dad


Dave G---I know you are not feeling well from the chemo but I miss hearing your words of wisdom

Please let us know how you are doing



nsclc lobectomy 6/00 stage 1A

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Guest DaveG


As you know I have been undergoing chemo since May 5. I am do for my 3rd cycle this coming Tuesday. Because of the inherant problems associated with chemo, I have not had the time nor energy to devote to the board as I used to. I have asked to step down, at least temporary, until I am done with chemo. I have my bad days and good days, unfortunately it seems as if the bad days are outnumbering the good days. The wee or so before my chemo is usually good, but the week following my chemo is just the opposite. Then I have a recovery period and it starts all over again.

The chemo has taken it's toll on me and I just can't find the support in me that I used to have. I find that I am the one needing the support. I am the one that gets down about things and I am the one who cries because I have lost my taste for certain foods.

I love this board, it has become a BIG part of my life, but, as I said, I just don't have the energy that I used to have. I read many of the posts, but can't post replies because the replies just aren't there.

I look forward to the chat room, especially for the humor, because i find it hard to laugh right now. My time with my wife has become very precious to me and has taken precedence.

So, just because you don't see me, that doen't mean I am not here.

Thank you for your concern.

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Hi Katie---

you do not "hog" the board and I am sure everyone loves the support that you give---but you certainly do have your plate full so it is understandable that you cannot devote the time that you used to--

life does go on around us no matter what is happening to us personally--(even thought it shouldn't :P )

I am feeling ok---If you see my post under "good news-I think" I am on jury duty right now (in work today) so my surgeon was cancelled till next week---If we are through with the case---if not will have to wait but I am sure he will not do anything--as I always seem to have enlarged nodes----and I probably worried myself that I felt sick---cause once I saw the report I felt so much better--even if their are some blips---these have been showing up all along---

I know about commuting----as I commute between 3 to 4 hrs per day to and from Manhattan, this jury duty is a nice break for me----as I get home so early not used to it--do not know how you do it with a child, husband and sick father and to learn a new job!!amazing

Dave G----I am so sorry for what you are going through--- :(

hope you are on an antidepressant? I know how devastating that must be to think you are almost "home" free and then have it come back again

please visit when you can and let us know how you are doing---you have been a tremendous support for everyone here---so feel free to lean on us for support---(I should not talk for everyone---but I am sure everyone will agree)

Regards Eileen

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