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Going forward

I was diagnosed with 4th stage cancer metastisized at size 7 with 2 blood clots all in my left lung and lymph nodes. I was loaded with fluid at time of diagnosing believing I had pneumonia and learning my real diagnosis. I went into emergency surgury for a perichondrial window to keep the fluid building up around my heart and had over 4 cups of liquid drained out of my back that was surrounding my lungs. This was a little over 2 years ago. My oncologist refused t give me a time that my life may expire and for that I thank him everyday. A few months ago he told me my time expected was 3 to 6 months and that others e had diagnosed with 4th stage Lung cancer had passed long ago and I am considered ever so lucky. Before I left the hospital 2 years ago I placedy life in God's hands and refused to google lung cancer. I did not want Google telling me how and what I needed to feel and fill my head with the fear of what to expect. I chose treatment and continue to attend every 3 weeks. I tell myself that I will live my life until God decides otherwise. I prepared my will, move to a smaller house and have sent these years making family monies and helping them prepare for my passing by letting them know that I am not afraid and they will move forward when I pass. I was forced to come to terms with reality the day I was diagnosed by myself in 2 separate hospitals due to Covid. All of this made me see that I wanted to move forward having a quality of life not a life of fear. Stay strong and off of Google.


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