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Tom Galli


Charlett and me.jpg

Today, in the United States, we celebrate the holiday of Thanksgiving.  Our first president, George Washington, called for an official “day of public thanksgiving and prayer” in 1789 and although the Congress heartily agreed, the proclamation was lost in the bureaucratic press of politics.  It fell to Abraham Lincoln to rekindle the Thanksgiving Holiday shortly after the pivotal battle of our Civil War—Gettysburg in 1863.  Thus in the mist of warfare and uncertainty, a holiday dedicated to thankfulness was founded.  

Today, we gather to celebrate life and thank the Almighty for health and bounty.  Thankfulness for me, a lung cancer survivor, is particularly significant for I have been blessed to witness one of life’s most memorable events: birth of a first grandchild.

During my recent visit, while cradling her in my arms, I felt a connection with my infant-offspring.  As the picture captures, Charlett Emilyrose was looking intently into my eyes, unusual for a three-week old baby.  She held my gaze for the longest time as if painting a mental portrait.  Her grandfather was joyous and delighted and thankful. 

This touching moment is unfortunately rare for those with lung cancer.  By statistical expression, Thanksgiving 2005 should have been my last celebration.  Yet, nearing my 13th year of surviving a lung cancer diagnosis, I am so thankful to have witnessed the birth of a grandchild. Providence has indeed showered me with gifts.

So today I give thanks for survival and in the spirit of George Washington’s original scope of holiday, I pray all who suffer the effects of this horrid disease experience the joy and delight I felt as I held my granddaughter in my arms.  Happy Thanksgiving all.

Stay the course.

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