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Posts posted by ksflwrpetals

  1. I was reading your original post-its only been a year for you since surgery? People recover at different speeds. I got so depressed when I would read of people going skiing and the such within months of their surgery. I didn't before, and will never do anything that energetic but hearing how much more quickly they bounced back was depressing. It takes time...to come to terms with the disease/mortality, you made a major life change in your move, time for your body to recover and you are still in treatment! Please get out of the house each day for something! Even if you can't join an exercise group of some kind, do something you either like or are curious about, even if it is going to the Library instead of being on the computer in your house. You like yoga...try a beginner class. The thing about yoga is it is at your pace, your capabilities...so do what you can. If I lived close to my treatment facility (an hour away for me) I would go to one of the support groups as someone suggested to you. Please give yourself time to adjust and heal. All the best!

  2. Thanks ☺ I saw my Dr. this past Monday, Nov 10. The x-ray showed reduction in tumor size, so am very thankful! It is in the upper lobe near the heart. He said we could try another drug, but the ones he would recommend would cause hair loss, which is a real trigger for me. Even so, he still recommends radiation as he feels that is our best shot. I am not handling it well. He is brilliant at what he does, so am trying to trust him while still working on educating myself. What my head tells me is not what they are telling me so am trying to sort out what misconceptions I have with what they are telling me. I go next Friday (Nov 21) for the measuring appointment. I do like the radiation oncologist my Dr. picked out for me as well as his nurse so am comfortable with them as I had the consult about three weeks ago.

  3. My Dr. has been suggesting radiation for my next step. I have been resistant for several reasons. I would like to know what to expect beyond what is on the papers to read, and reputable sites that have information (Mayo Clinic etc) My main concern/question is heart damage that could occur years after treatment. I am not getting specific answers as to what kind of damage and how severe it may be. I know there are no definite answers, but I need more than 'it could happen', like what could happen? I did have the radiation consult, did like the Dr. my Dr. selected for me and if we do this will go with him. Thanks ☺

  4. So many drugs and treatments...so many decisions...and no correct one for all. I do know that the earlier the intervention, whatever that may be, the better the outcome. He might be able to delay for a period of time...at least I hope he will go to the consults with you and hear what is said and actually see his scans. Wishing your family the best!

  5. Thanks for the responses...I don't get on here much. I am halfway through this current course of treatment, and of course still faithful to my supplements and Kangan water. I didn't handle this well this time. I really got the crazies to the point I went in and talked to my nurse and dr that I just couldn't get myself together. That alone they knew was abnormal for me. I finally got that under control, and am working on getting well, one day at a time. On the days I need to, the couch is my friend. I have to be really out of it for me to miss yoga. That has been such a blessing. On good days, I have a big project going for my daughter's Christmas gift. (turning an old wood door into a bench on a door. The glass etching part is now done)

    I understand someone wants to offer support...how nice :) Anyone can send me a inbox message, that is fine with me.

    Have a wonderful Lord's Day ♥

  6. I've updated my signature, showing the new developments. I am still trying to come to terms with its return and starting chemo again. Dr. plans to use the one drug this time for a 3-course to see what changes it might bring before adding the other drug that made me so ill last time. I'm just sad right now, but will get it together before we start again. I have lots to do in order to get ready so will be occupied. :cry:

  7. My 4-mo scan was this week after being declared 'cancer-free' last Spring. There are no hot-spots. However, it was labled 'abnormal' as there is 'Persistent Soft Tissue at the surgical site'. I was told previously that it was scar tissue. I've also been told it could be other tissue or lung tissue trying to fill in the void. The dr and his review board will meet on Wed to discuss it and then tell me their opinion/recommendations. Has anyone else also experienced this and what was done if anything? Thanks :)

  8. This has been a big week! Monday was the 2 yr anniversary of my initial surgery. Tuesday was the CT and bloodwork and 30 days since I had ingested any soda/pop. Friday (yesterday) my oncologist declared me free of cancer! He is not one to say that in lung cancer cases. That was a major step beyond the victory of being NED. I go back mid-July for a recheck. Until then I will continue the alternative practices I was using along side of chemo. Next week I see my PCP to talk about my extreme pain issues. Yea!!!!

  9. This has been a big week! Monday was the 2 yr anniversary of my initial surgery. Tuesday was the CT and bloodwork and 30 days since I had ingested any soda/pop. Friday (yesterday) my oncologist declared me free of cancer! He is not one to say that in lung cancer cases. That was a major step beyond the victory of being NED. I go back mid-July for a recheck. Until then I will continue the alternative practices I was using along side of chemo. Next week I see my PCP to talk about my extreme pain issues. Yea!!!!

  10. Thanks for the link, am looking at it now. If I did not know her personally, (her mom and I used to babysit for each other) I would not give it any credence. Until I know for sure, it will give me time to do some research.

  11. I mentioned in another post that the 'thickening tissue' by my heart is now suspected of being scar tissue. That remains to be confirmed. A young friend of mine is a Reflexologist, and in a recent seminar she attended for her profession addressed that internal as well as external scar tissue can be treated and lessened and sometimes done away with using thier methods. Has anyone heard of this, used this or know anything of this? Thanks :)

  12. My scan two weeks ago showed that I am better and that the nodules were shrinking.

    Friday evening we were involved in a roll-over accident near KC during rush hour and the worst of it is my truck. He had no injuries, my arm was scraped and is healing nicely.

    My oncologist has suspended my chemo saying 'it is not needed at this time' The review board he talks to thinks the 'mass' near and too close to my heart is actually scar tissue from the surgery (two yrs next month) and the nodules are small enough to barely be called nodules at this point. I will have another CT next month with another review to see where we are.

    I have much to be thankful for.

    Sometimes it takes a couple visits to understand what he is trying to say. When I first recurred, since it was in 2 lobes, he said no kind of surgery would help as it was in 2 lobes. Now, he is saying that if the upper is indeed scar tissue, and one of the nodules is essentially dead, if the other persists, it may be removed by expiration. I didn't understand the change in opinion. Has anyone else had experience or a similar event regarding this removal when surgery had not been an option? (he is so intelligent and versed in oncology, but we don't converse on the same plane most of the time) Thanks :)

  13. I had a full app't earlier this week to see where we are...and I am better ♥ The CT showed that one 'nodual' in what was my middle lobe is gone, the other is just a dead shell he said, and in the upper lobe the 'thickening of tissue' that is near my heart and under the aorta is noticably smaller!!! I am so very thankful ♫

  14. It was hard this week...I was really ill, if we lived closer I might have had him take me to the hospital. I dropped 15# this week. I did leave a message on the dr VM. I am better, have progressed to an egg this evening. Still maintaing the best attitude I can.

  15. I didn't see a more appropriate board for this.....

    my disability check came today, the first one with the back pay!!!!! Thanking God for the blessing☺ I had not been informed I had been approved so it is extra appreciated. We can breathe a bit easier now. AND my monthly will be just short of what I was making at the school, which tells you not much but more than unemployment was providing as welcome as that has been. I was at the end of it so once again, in the eleventh hour ♫

  16. Katie said she had been looking for an update...today was the day.

    We didn't get the news we had hoped for...but that is not a bad thing IMO :) The xray was not a good take so there was nothing but fuzzy to see. IMO if the places had grown substantially, I am holding to my belief that something would have been seen in the upper lobe based on it's location. So...second round of chemo, already feeling worse faster, but have what I need to combat it. Blood work next week, CT and consult the week after. He'll decide then if he recommends more chemo. I told him no chemo right before the end of the month so I can feel like making my trip back to St. Louis for a reunion...he said no problem, go enjoy :!:

    I am thankful that an old friend made sure we had some warm-up meals in the freezer for this week ♥

    I realize the more experienced here may have imput...so educate me if need be ☼

  17. I feel fortunate today. I attended the funeral of someone that died from liver cancer today. He was ready, having lived a full life. I don't feel ill everyday. I don't have the look of the stereotypical patient. I don't need a regular caregiver. I can do most of what I want to. I have a 'thankful jar' that I add to most days.

    I have much to be thankful for.

  18. I recently heard this phrase and have been reading how beneficial it is in general. In talking to a friend that rigidly practices it, it sounds the same as vegan. Another friend feeds her family in moderation. Both tout the healthful benefits of such a diet. What do you all know of this? Thanks :)

  19. I took in my list of supplements to be added to my file so they would know what I was taking, along with web addresses on the reasoning. (If allowed, I will share) I had promised my nurse nothing bizarre. I go for my second round of chemo on Monday. I am praying (and practicing visulization) for my xray as well.

    I read that the more chemo treatments one has, the more symptoms (illness from it) that one will have in-between...does anyone have imput on that?

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