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Everything posted by MaryTD777

  1. Me and my smallest pup, Jack. He is half Jack Russel and half Shih Tzu, so we named him Jack Sh*t The hats are 2 of my birthday presents. Yes, hats plural. The lil clip above my ear is holding a lil purple hat with black lace veil and purple feathers. Told ya I was a purple-aholic Hehehee. I chose this pic even tho it's not the best one, because you can just barely see one the left side of the pic, how LONG my hair is now! My avatar is from 5/12, almost a year after the middle of chemo, which ended 6/12. Here it is Jan 13 and it's almost down to my armpits!!
  2. Thanks for posting. I think there are finally enough people who are making noise about lung cancer even if it is uncomfy at first because of smoking stigma. I know I am a blabber mouth about it and even tho I was a heavy smoker, I make sure people hear me loud & clear that I don't deserve to die of lc any more than someone who eats sweets should die of diabetes.
  3. Thanks Janet, 5 years!! Congrats! It really does help a lot to see how well some people do. I also find it amazing that there are so many people here but when I tried to find support here there was nothing local. I wonder if it is about not wanting to talk or just being so far apart... I think I will be comfy here, and hope to help others be comfy too.
  4. Thank you ALL for your posts. I did poke around a little before I joined and only joined because it looked like a good place to not feel so alone. Alan, sorry yours was inoperable. I think I just made it by millimeters or something. It was down to the surgery being moved 2 weeks in order to get the neurosurgeon they wanted who was able to take nearly half of one vertebrae and facet joints off the ones above & below... frankly the pre-op discussion/description was a bit much and by the time it got to post-op talking the only thing I nagged him about was the margins! It has also left behind many extra problems, but at least he got it. Congrats on 3 years Thanks for the hugs and welcomes! I need to update my signature more and stuff, but I really wanted to jump in before I chickened out. Also, I have an odd sense of humor, which has come in VERY handy for much of this, but also may turn people off. I know this can be more of a problem online, cuz you can't see my tongue in cheek or the twinkle in my eye. Because of that, you may see too many smiley faces & LOLs, sorry. Be well & ((hugs))
  5. Hi Erika, I am new here too. I am the one with lc tho, and my kidlet ~ I mean Daughter, is 22. My few words on the doc saying anything about how much time... In my many years of having friends and family having children, I can not BEGIN to count how many were told the wrong gender of the babies that were due. Think about it, the tests are much simpler AND there is only a fifty/fifty chance and they were STILL completely opposite about 25% of the time!!! I hope that gave you a giggle along with the truth that sometimes, a guess is just a guess. BTW, I think it's super sweet of you to be taking such an active role in helping you & your family find some support and info. I will keep y'all in my thoughts & prayers.
  6. YAY! Happy 5 years!Looking for good news posts is what brought me here... mostly. Thanks for posting
  7. Congrats on SIX years!! I am very happy for you. Be well, Mary
  8. Hi there, sorry to meet you. You know I only mean because of the common bond we share against our will. If I did things right when I found this site yesterday, you should see a chunk of my info in my signature. My lc info anyway. On a happier topic, I am a 48 (for another 8 days anyway LOL) y/o happily married empty nester. Our kids range in age from my youngest at 22 and his oldest at 33. Since I tried a reply yesterday and it didn't work, I am not going to put much effort into this intro. Have a great weekend!
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