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Laura Ann

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Posts posted by Laura Ann

  1. I'm a little concerned. I keep reading post about patients receiving WBR and having a mask made. My mother had 13 rounds of WBR but there was not a mask made for her. Was this wrong?


  2. Hi TAnn,

    My mother just completed her 7th(out of 12) WBR treatments. She is is on 16mgs of Dexmethasone a day. So far she as tolerated the treatment fairly well. She is, however, not a complainer and it is sometimes hard to know how she really feels. I am interested in your experience with the treatment and hope you do well.

    This cancer is the worst kind of hell on earth.

    That being said, my faith in God is stronger than ever.

    Hoping for the best for you.


  3. I have been reading messages on this site for several months now. For whatever reason I have been reluctant to jump in, but here I go. My mother was diagnosed with NSCLC in November 2003. I have been her main caregiver and medical care advocate since the first of the year. To say that this has been a learning experience would truly be an understatement. This web-site has meant so much to me. I can't begin to describe how much information I have received as a result of coming here daily. Also there is a feeling of comfort I receive when I come here, I can't explain it, it's just there. My husband and kids know that whenever I "disappear" for short periods of time that I'm on that "website". Taking care of my mother has brought new meaning to my life. I don't know how many others have experience this, but being so involved with the care of my mother has helped me to cope with this terrible disease. I thank God that I found this website.


    Mother diagnosed 11/2003 NSCLC

    Inoperable stage 3b

    Met to right fibula 08/2004

    Right fibula removed 09/2004

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