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Posts posted by Kberns

  1. Hi Ryan,


    Sorry you are at this site and so young. I too started with the diagnosis of asthma and then pneumonia. Went on for a long time until the dr finally ordered a chest x-ray.  I did smoke when I was younger but believe it or not, I was a physical education teacher, weight lifter, aerobics instructor and the last 15 years a personal trainer. I have always been very physically active and nutrition played a big part in this. I was diagnosed in Sept, 2014 for stage IV with mets to my vertebra and ribs. After 2 biopsies in the lung, no mutations have been found and I am on chemo. Still fast walking 2-3 miles a day and back to light weight lifting. Feel great and have 1 more treatment before the cat scan. Hope I get good results!


    You sound very positive and I can feel the high you get through your workouts. I know I don't have to tell you to keep going because you will anyway! Doctors cannot tell us when our time is up....mine gave me 6-12 months and I don't believe them. 


    Where has your lung cancer metastasized?

  2. Hi Everyone,


    Had my 2nd treatment Tuesday so here is my update:  UGH!!!   Once the steroids wore off Thursday I began to get foggy, cold and blah feeling. Yesterday I could hardly get out of bed..could hardly eat..not nauseous but feeling like I was going to be, headache, cold, backache, metal taste with drinking water, etc. I had a good pity party with myself and I am up and moving again today. Still have a foggy brain today and cold hands but I will try to walk some miles to get the circulation going. Looking forward to tomorrow as I know I will be back to normal!!


    Hope everyone else is doing great!!!



  3. Hi Rose,


    How did the treatment go last week?  My 2nd treatment is tomorrow so I am now buzzing around on those steroids they make you take the day before. Hope I sleep tonight!  Please update so we can go through this together!!



  4. Just wanted to say that you and your husband are not alone. There are many of us here fighting the same battle. The Oncologist will play the major role here and will answer all your questions. Write them down before the appointment because it does become very overwhelming that first appointment.

    Please come back with questions or just to vent. We are here for you and your husband.



  5. Hi Rose,

    I too am a newbie and found this site so very helpful. I to have nsclc adenocarcinoma with mets to the vertebra and possibly 2 ribs. I started Carbo/Alimta Jan. 6th. I have had 2 blood test since then and so far perfect. I was exhausted day 3 &4 and felt like a fog was surrounding me but I am fairly sure it was because they have me taking a steroid the day before and the day after treatment. These steroids make me feel like super women and I cannot sleep. So I will see what happens at my next treatment!  I too go every 3 weeks and have a CAT scan scheduled after 3 treatments. Hope this helps knowing I am on the same journey with you.  :-P

    Moving from NC to upper NY I can see how you were in a fog! I moved from South Florida to North Florida and I am still in culture shock!!!!



  6. Hi Kakalina,


    I am new to this site but wanted to lend you some support. I just started treatment for nsclc and so far I am feeling great. My husband was with me when the doctor told us I had 6-12 months to live...you can just imagine how shocked we were. For days I walked around in shock and my husband said he would pull over his car and cry. Your husband is acting in his own way. To this day I have not told many people, including family. Everyone handles this differently but knowing he has your love and support is the best thing in the world. Lots of test, MRI's & CAT scans and possible PET scan if he hasn't already done that. Hang in there, the more info you can get the easier it will be to find direction. Waiting is the enemy but once I had direction everything became so much clearer. Keep writing as everyone here really helped me through my first treatment!

  7. How are your doing now? I see you initially posted back in October so can you share what your experiences have been? I just started chemo and have my 2nd treatment next week. The steroids kept me awake for 3 nights but during the day they kept me busy doing everything!  


  8. LOL Cindy..highs today might get to 50 and low's in the 30's!  The sun just came out for the 1st time in 10 days. I am close to the Georgia Border in Atlantic Beach so it gets cold here! Please stop sending those cloudy sky's and rain our way!!!!  8)

    Thanks for the link on clinical trials. For now I am done looking after what Moffitt put me through. Because they can't find a genetic mutation in me it keeps from from entering almost all the trial, or so I have been told. I do not want to to another lung biopsy at this time so I am hoping I get great results with the carbo/alimta. As I have already had 1 treatment, I have 2 more to go before the CAT scan. Fingers crossed!!!!  :-P

  9. How is your husband doing?  How are you doing?  I just started chemo on Jan. 6 but am feeling great. Hopefully your husbands symptoms did not last too long and he is feeling better....let us know!



  10. Thanks Randy for the link, I get notifications from clinicalconnection about trials as well. I live on the northern tip of Florida so I tried to look for trials in this state. After traveling to Tampa and back many times, I am so relieved to be back at Mayo where they really treat you like a human being and not some number. No problem keeping the weight at the rate I am going! Once these darn stitches from the port heal I will be back to weight lifting which helps my weight as well. So glad to have 'met" you!



  11. Thanks Cindy & Randy! It is a nice feeling having people to talk to about this journey. I have to give up on the trials for now as I really put my health on the back burner chasing them. It was a bad experience because of the people I dealt with. There was no communication and I would carry by cell to the bathroom just in case they called. I hardly left home because I did not want to be in like Home Depot having that conversation with them. Then, weeks would go by and I would leave tons of voice mail but nothing came of it. This went on for months. Hopefully Mayo will be getting some trials back this year which I would not hesitate to go for. 

    After one chemo treatment I am feeling great but with weird side effects no one mentioned to me. I can't stop eating and my energy level is extremely high. Thankfully I am thin so the eating won't hurt me too much! :-P

  12. Thanks Eric for the welcome wagon!  I did not demo the whole house....the can of worms kept opening as we started with the master bathroom and found the mold had extended to the master closets due to a small leak from windows. I then had a mold detector come out and found mold in the other 2 bathrooms, entire kitchen and family room. These houses are built with wood and I unfortunately have a flat roof as well. On top of that I live 2 blocks from the ocean. On the bright side, I do live at the beach!!!  Door is always open so book your trip!

  13. I just want to say I am not laughing at you but with you. :? ...if we don't we will cry. When you spoke about the 2:00 am hour you hit the nail with me. What is it about that time?  I have only just started chemo, had one treatment but not sleeping any better. Been exhausted for months. Anxiety meds do help but I try not to take them too much.  You helped me today by seeing your post and knowing that someone else knows EXACTLY what I am going though!  For that I thank you!



  14. Been lurking for awhile not sure if I had the energy to introduce myself...but here I am with my story! 

    Moved from South Florida to the very tip of North Florida in Dec. 2012. Caught a bad chest cold and had a cough that lingered. In the meantime, the house we bought was found to have black mold all through it so we started demolition Feb of 2013. I continued to cough through the construction and was totally stressed out. Sept 2013 had a chest x-ray that they said showed nothing. Spring of 2014 came and I still had the drip cough, especially at night. Went for a check-up and was diagnosed with asthma and given all kinds of drugs. By July I knew something was wrong as all these drugs were not helping. Went for another chest x-ray and a pneumonic-type infiltrate at base of right lung was found. Pulmonary dr believes it was on the Sept 2013 x-ray as well. Went for CT scan and found 2 cm right lower lobe, infrahiliar mass with presumed obstruction of the bronchus. Pet Scan followed with the lower right lobe, low level metabolic activity left lobe of liver, and hypermetabolic sclerotic foci over T5. right 6th rib and possible 2nd rib.

    August-MRI liver..2 lesions largest 1.1 cm

    Sept-Liver biopsy-negative, no cancer found

    Sept-Vertebral biopsy- showed keratin positive cells with metastatic non small cell carcinoma

    Sept-Brain MRI- clear

    With oncologist blessing here at Mayo, went to Moffitt in Tampa to get into research trials.


    Oct 2014 visit & CAT scan  Mass is now 2.1   found enlarged lumph node, thyroid gland nodules

    Oct 2014- Lung biopsy for clinical trial and genetic mutation

    Oct 2014 Brain MRI-clear

    Nov 2014- Rejected due to inconclusive PDL-1 positive or negative

    Dec 2014-Lung biopsy for a different trial. 

    Dec 2014 CT scan thorax, abd & Pelvis..pneumonia found 

    Dec 2014 MRI brain-clear

    Rejected again due to no cancer found in the tissues sent....DISAPPOINTED

    Jan 6 2015  Back at Mayo, port in place, chemo started.


    A long and winding road for sure. Thankfully I can still fast walk a few miles a day, but fatigue is setting in. Thanks for being here....this is just what I needed and I hope I can help someone else with this crazy process. 



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