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Susan Cornett

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Everything posted by Susan Cornett

  1. I'm fairly new to this, but my advice is be your own advocate. Get a second opinion, even a third. If you aren't ready to give up, find a doctor that isn't. In recent weeks, I've learned just how many new options are available to us as lung cancer patients and you should have the option to find one that works. Stay strong!
  2. Hi! I'm new to cancer and to this wonderful web site. Here's my story: I have had asthma and allergy issues for years, so when asthma got worse 18 months ago, no cause for alarm. When I developed bronchitis last fall, no cause for alarm. I coughed up blood in December 2015 and an x-ray revealed a large mass in my upper left lung. Pulmonologist performed a bronchoscopy and a biopsy indicated no cancer so the mass was further evaluated for bacteria and fungus. No luck, so on February 22nd I had a lobectomy on my left lung and was diagnosed with cancer. 7 of 10 lymph nodes were affected but the surgeon did get clear margins. On March 19th, I had my first of four chemo treatments (cisplatin and alimta). In hindsight, I should have requested an xray when my asthma took a turn, so that is now my advice to others. Be your own advocate. I've had too many people, including health care providers, ask me if I smoke. Lung cancer doesn't just affect smokers, and it doesn't just affect older patients. I'm a 46 year old non-smoker diagnosed with the most common form of lung cancer. I'd love to see providers take a new look at the face of lung cancer, and see it become as visible to the public as breast or prostate cancer. After all, it is the number one cancer killer. If you can't tell, once I beat this, I'm planning to become a voice for this cause!
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