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Posts posted by BBB

  1. Hi Again!

    I was diagnosed with Small Cell Lung Cancer in 2015, and am in remission.  I had 5 treatments of Chemo, and 6 weeks of radiation, followed by 10 days of brain radiation.   I felt so horrible for well, just getting a little better now in March of 2017.  I already had a diagnosis of Depression before treatment, but now it seems to have taken hold and is overwhelming.  Has anybody else experienced no energy, sleeping all the time, and increased depression as long as 2 years after treatment?  My Oncologist says it it due to my use of pain killers which I have taken for at least 10 years, and has nothing to do with the treatment.  Now I have a ruptured disc in my back, and several compressed discs in my neck, Fibromyalgia, which I've had for years, BOOP, COPD, etc, etc.  My hair is dry and my scalp is itchy, and my skin is horrible... dry, flaky, and itchy.  I'd like to hear about other peoples' experiences after chemo and radiation.  Did it make you forgetful?  Were you overly emotional all the time?  Confused?  How long did it last?  I thank you in advance for any way that you could help me. 

  2. Hi

    I have small cell lung cancer which was diagnosed in 2015 and was told that there was no time that they could give me for when this cancer usually takes peoples' lives.  It was put to me as, don't believe the internet that says 5 years, that's not always the case.  Well as I, thank The Lord, have come upon my 2 year mark with no more growth, my Dr. says, oh Small Cell Lung Cancer usually gives the patient only 18 months to live.  So now that you're at the 2 year mark, you're considered in remission.  If you get to the five year mark, we consider you cured.  I find myself getting very frustrated and angry, feeling sort of..... misled.  What if I did only have 18 months?  I would have lived my life differently if he had told me the truth.  I thought Dr.'s were supposed to be bound to tell you the truth!  Am I just nitpicking?  Or are my feelings valid for thinking this Dr. was totally wrong.

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