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Posts posted by ViviAnn

  1. Welcome,

    i am just amazed that she had 47 treatments.  My husband participated in a clinical trial for Bristol Myers Squibb that used Nivolumab in combo with Ipilumab prior to approval.  He only had 11 treatments before progression.  He must not of had as many side effects because he did not receive the treatment as long.  They did caution us that it could attack other good parts of your body.  He had neuropathy, fever, rashes and is on Thyroid replacement therapy as a direct result of it.  It sounds as if you are doing as much as you can to help your Mom.  Your an amazing daughter and I'm sure she knows and appreciates you very much.  

    Sorry I'm not much help since our experience was much shorter.

    Hope someone else can chime in with more info.  

    Don't forget to take care of yourself also.  I know it's hard to think about yourself during all this but you must in order to stay strong for her.


  2.  Allyn,  my husband is a stage IV Lung Cancer survivor of just over 3 years now.  The news of cancer and all the information is so overwhelming.  Wish I would of known about this resource in the beginning.  We care and understand what you are going through.  

  3. Sorry just now saw your post.  I don't remember if my husband had edema with the Alimta.  Dexamethasone pretreatment may be contributing and if your diabetic it only makes it worse.  Get some support hose to wear around the house at least.  They do help, and  elevate your legs when you can when they are swollen.   My husband had terrible swelling when he was on Gemzar.  When he got off the steroids he lost weight.

    Hope this helps some.  Hang in there.


  4. I apologize, have been reading posts for a while without introducing myself.  

    My husband was diagnosed with stage IV nsclc Adenocarcinoma KRAS mutation in July 2014.  Yes, he is a three year survivor.  

    He has participated in a immunotherapy clinical trial.  Has been through several other treatment Alimta, Pemextred, Carboplatin/Cisplatin, Gemcitabine/Gemzar and now Docetaxel.  

    Docetaxel has been the one with the most immediate side effects starting Day of treatment.  I suppose this was because the did not do a pre dose of Dexamethasone.  

    My question would be, has anyone experienced immediate hair loss and when it starts is it a slow process over several treatments.  

    Doctors really down played the side effects and stated that most people tolerate it fairly well.  Also saying that the worst would be nausea.  

    Truly grateful and blessed that he had such a good break after the Gemzar.


  5. Susan, 

    Sounds like you have had it bad enough with the benefit of steroid pre treatment.  My husband just had his first round of Docetaxel without Dex pretreatment and he has had a rough two weeks.  He had issues with the Dex previously so they thought he could take it without.  If it keeps up like this he will be moving on with something else or nothing.  This after a wonderful eight month break before progression.  


  6. Michelle,
    I spent too long in shock, gloom and doom. My husband is a 3 year survivor with stage 4 nsclc adenocarcinoma, diagnosed July 2014 while on vacation. Don't waste your and your husbands precious time being gloomy if at all possible, I finally figured out it doesn't help. It only hurts you. Sure, you need to cry some in order to process, just don't stay in a slump. Find someone who will be a good support for you. Find something healthy to keep your mind in a good place, reading, some craft project or exercise. Hang in there. Vivian

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  7. Carol,
    Hang in there...
    My husband was diagnosed July 2014 stage IV. I couldn't remember much about Alimta as he has been on several medicines, so I looked it up.

    It says he is supposed to get Dexamethasone aka Decadron the day before, the day of and the day after. Boy do I remember that causes sky high blood glucose numbers and I think it can cause high creatinine numbers. Your husband probably needs to see an endocrinologist, if he wasn't diabetic before he may be now.

    The good news, it can all be managed. Don't be scared to ask questions or to call or my chart message his doctors. No reason to wait for next appointment to get answers you need.

    Take care,

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  8. Carol,
    I remember they used to give my husband IV fluids before infusion and his creatinine numbers went way high. I would suggest seeing an endocrinologist for sure to monitor and control the creatinine numbers. If necessary they may refer him to a Nephrologist.

    It is possible to drink too much water, ask doctor about recommended intake for his condition.

    Will keep y'all in our thoughts and prayers. Hope this helps.


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  9. Jen,
    When you call a medical oncologist for an appointment and they start to schedule you a couple of months out, feel free to share what your facing, number of tumors, etc. in order to expedite appointment. Good Oncologist can have long wait times but if you are polite and diligent it may help a little.



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  10. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Dragon King,
    Forgive me, this is my first post here. I hope it works right.

    My husband will be a three year survivor of stage IV Adenocarcinoma Lung cancer in July and Tom's advise of just EAT is spot on.

    We couldn't believe he had gotten severely dehydrated by not eating enough. Get nausea medicine from the doctor and don't be afraid to take it. If it makes you sleepy, ask for a different one. My David took one that just made him sleep which defeated the purpose.

    Hope this helps.
    Vivian R

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  11. Hello, my name is Dave but that was taken so call me DragonKing. I love dragons, thus...

    I am a retired retired US Army veteran. I am also a Vietnam vet. I am suffering from agent orange. I have COPD, acid reflux, gerd, hernia, gout, PTSD, (a few other things too hard to describe), have had 5 heart attacks, 7 stents plus a pacemaker/defibrillator. I've survived so far, no complaints just take life easy, enjoy it one day at a time. Then I got knocked for a loop. 

    Just this past week I was diagnosed with Squamous cell (non-small cell) Carcinoma of the left lung. The growth is quite large and 'abuts' the aorta. I'm scheduled to see an oncologist this coming Tuesday. Surgery is not an option. The treatments I am to receive consist of radiation 5 times each week and chemotherapy once a week about 6 to 8 weeks. I've fought in a war and have fought off to the best of my ability whatever illnesses that came my way. I'm not in tip top shape but I did exercise and walk and I have outdoor hobbies. 

    Now, this scares the he** out of me. Cancer is scary.

    Would appreciate some feed back from any one fighting cancer and any ideas and suggestions or any kind of help. Are there any special diets, vitamins, exercises, things that will help me survive this. If you have any questions for me, just ask.

    Thank you for taking the time and reading this. 


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