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Posts posted by Pearl

  1. Thanks Tom,
    They set the needle biopsy for the 26th at 6:30 I have been trying to keep my mind busy staying busy is not a problem keeping my mind busy is tough so I have started playing mind games so I don't stress as much I know that as each day passes getting closer to the biopsy I stress about what it's which is something I've never worried about until now I always thought what it's only slowed your life down but now I do a lot of what it's in my head

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  2. Ok so I went to cancer center yesterday to see Oncologists they will be calling me Monday to set up Pet test and needle biopsy from there they will decide what to do or not due next I guess all this waiting is driving me insane not knowing

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  3. My Ct scans from 2015 2016 2017 where looking for blood clots I had a heart attack when I was 25 and 27 and a blood clot through my lungs in my 30's then a blood clot through my heart in my late 30's which I'm blessed to be here so when I have chest tightness or shortness of breathe they Ct scan my lungs for blood clots and check my heart that is how they found the spot this time

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  4. Ok need some personal advice
    I am taking care of 8 step grandchildren and have 3 biological grandchildren that my children are raising so here is where I'm confused
    The day I was told in the er that I had the spot and it was probably cancer I cried when the doctor left my husband of 7 years says I don't know why your crying you know what it is now deal with it he made my first appointment but didn't show up for it with me the other day when they called me to move my appointment up and talk a little with me I called him crying and he said I don't know why you are worried or crying I said I have kids to think about he said if something happens to me him and the kids would be fine it was like a slap in the face to me ive tried talking to him about the lung cancer and he just shuts me down and don't want to talk about it am I wrong for feeling like there is no care or support from him?

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  5. Ok so today is the day I go see the lung doctor and I know I need to buy the fear keeps me not wanting to go I will go because it's what's best but I didn't sleep well last night and my nerves are shot this morning and it's just to set up testing I'm sure does the stress level ever settle down inside you with all this or can I just assume to be a basket case through it all?

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