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Posts posted by Dazy

  1. #^%@!!!! I wish I could offer more than a sympathetic ear....I have a big bat, too, and TONS of prayers!!! BOTH on the way... I just KNOW you will be hanging out with NED again, SOON!!!! ((((HUGS))))

    Yours in HOPE!


  2. Hey Don!

    I haven't been around in awhile, but I HAD to read your post...and I must admit, I had a hard time not scrolling all the way to end to get the happy news! Shrinkage is great!! And as I recently discovered at Mayo...some of these li'l boogers/nodules really are NOTHING (more than anxiety creators, of course :roll: ) Xanax helps me, too. It usually sits on my drawer 'til scan time - then it is with me ALWAYS, like my inhaler!!! :lol: Don't leave home without it...!! :lol:

    I will repeat your mantra, as well! By the time of your next scan, those li'l boogers are GONNA be GONE!!! And that tumor is gonna shrink faster Valerie Bertinelli on Jennie Craig!! :lol: (bad joke, I know... :roll: )

    Yours in HOPE!!


  3. Hi Max!!!

    I have been wondering about you two! And I LOVE the picture ~ Inez is truly a beautiful woman whose lovely spirit shines through her eyes!! You are both SO very blessed!!

    I am happy to hear you are recovering well. And, saddened to hear you had to deal with such rudeness and incompetence at your pulmonologist's office. There seems to be no shortage of this in this state...Lord knows I've dealt with my share, as well. Check, again, at Mayo in Scottsdale. Dr. Viggiano is AWESOME!!! I just saw him again, on Valentine's Day. After using a highly detailed CT scan with some kind of extra computerized reconstruction, (similar to the MAP(?) technology used in PET, I think...) he determined that only 4 of the 7 (plus, depending on the scan :roll: )nodules in my lungs are truly worrisome and, after 3 years of scans EVERY THREE MONTHS, he finally graduated me to 1 annual CT with xray at 6 month intervals, barring any new symptoms or changes. He said, even if it is BAC, they (mayo) are currently scanning most BAC patients on an annual CT/6 month xray schedule because of its' indolent nature. While costly, that facility has given me a 12 month lease on life (instead of these li'l 3-month chunks... :wink: ) and the competence and courtesy received are world-reknowned. Okay...now I sound like an ad... :roll: )

    At any rate...congrats on the great recovery, and wonedrful PSA results! And BEST of luck to you and Inez in your endeavor!

    Yours in HOPE!


  4. Oh Fred ~ that is WONDERFUL news!!! I haven't been around for awhile and just read Tracy's good news. I was already enjoying a frosty Corona at the Pub when I read your good news!! So, Kasey, another Corona please? and a drink on me for you two, as well!! Wow, at this rate, I am gonna be hammered by noon... :roll::wink:

    With GREAT GLADNESS & Big Hugs!!!!!!


    P.S. With ALL this good news, Kasey, I just KNOW you are gonna be next!! GREAT news coming from your clan these days...you guys are on a roll!!! 8)

  5. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D


    Tracy ~ this is the BEST news!!!! I haven't been around in awhile and this just thrills me to no end!!! You really are one of my heros - and I can feel this is the first of many good reports to come! Good Luck to your family in keeping up with you...they are gonna need it! :wink:

    Hugs of JOY!!! (((((((Tracy)))))))

    Yours in HOPE!


    P.S. I'll have a frosty Corona, Kasey, with a little lime & salt...eeek, and it's not even noon...!!! :shock::lol:

  6. Sonya, this was also posted by a wonderful fellow Arizonan/LCSC member, "MaxL", in the "Introduce Yourself" forum. I am adding it here, in case you missed it. LOTS of valuable info here:

    Hi Sonya. I live in Glendale Arizona and have just gone through lung cancer treatment. Years ago my brother-in-law was in the same position as you, and he was able to get on a medical program here in Arizona called AHCCCS,ARIZONA HEALTH CARE COST CONTAINMENT PROGRAM.Here is some information that I just found on GOOGLE. Below is the telephone number and once you contact them an AHCCCS eligibility specialist will review your application to find the program or programs that you and your family may qualify for. The eligibility specialist will send it to the right agency or AHCCCS department(s) which will decide your eligibility.

    You will receive a phone call or a letter if there is anything else you need to do or send.

    Most programs do not need a face-to-face interview if we can contact you by phone.

    You can get an application or get help filling it in between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Call (602) 417-5010, then press 1, or call toll free 1-800-528-0142 then press 1.

    Where exactly do you live in Arizona? I really do want to add that now is a critical time for you to stay as positive as you can. I realize how difficult this is to do, but it really is important that you do so. Keep in touch with this site as this support group helped me get through the tight spots and will do so for you. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.


    Thanks Max!!! Hope you are recovering well!!!

    ~ Stacey

  7. Hi Sonya!

    I replied to your original post in the "introduce yourself" section, as well. As I had said in my other post, this could be many other things than LC. We have ALOT of Valley Fever in AZ and it can cause similar symptoms. VF is certainly no picnic, and would also need to be treated/managed, but it is better than LC. Either way, you definitely need to see a doc and get this figured out.

    I live in Mesa, AZ. Where are you located? I will do my BEST to get you some help. PM me if you do not want to post where you live. My son works at Mayo, and I am pretty good at advocacy - given a chance. :wink:

    Yours in HOPE!


  8. I have no info (other than what you found online) about this stuff. I just wanted to tell you I hope they can eliminate this junk from your regime and you can get to feeling a little better.



  9. Hi Judy ~

    I had a bone marrow extraction and bone biopsy (rear left hip) last summer. While not a pleasant experience and quite uncomfortable, it was managed with only 1mg of Xanax - 1 hr. prior, and some heavy local anesthesia. You feel alot of pressure and a BRIEF sharp "twinge" when they extract marrow. You feel a slightly lesser but similar sensation when they take the bone sample.

    It is totally do-able as an outpatient procedure. I am a big WUSS and I did okay. My son works at Mayo and a nurse there said approximately 80% of the patients are able to tolerate it without a general. I will have to have them every year/other year as I had some abnormalities in my marrow.

    Just look into something to help you relax, (or IV meds would be nice :wink: ) it is fairly quick and then you will be out and back home. Just be sure to take it easy for the remainder of the day. I'll be praying for you and holding your hand in spirit on Thursday! And looking forward to your posting of good CLEAN results!

    Yours in HOPE!


    P.S. (Added after original post...) I just noticed that your biopsy is being done on your vertebra..? If that is the case, I guess a slightly different procedure would be done. Should have read more closely...:oops: Either way ~ I am wishing you all the very BEST and praying for an easy procedure! ((HUGS!))

  10. Hi Sonya!

    I'm a fellow "Zonie" ! how can I help? How "out in the middle of nowhere" are you...? :shock: As long as there is a dirt road nearby, we can get ya some help!! (and even if there isn't a dirt road, i've got 4wd!! :lol:)

    Seriously, I am sorry you are dealing with all of this worry, especially without insurance and resources. But it may not be LC! We, in AZ, live in the Valley Fever hotbed. VF can also cause exactly what you are describing, and while no picnic, it is immensely more manageable than LC!

    Let us know where you are, or PM me. Maybe I can help... I can certainly try! :wink:

    Hang in there!

    Yours in HOPE!


  11. Okay....So, this artifact and this sailor head into a bar...... :roll::wink:

    Time to fire your archaeologist! VERY sloppy to be leaving artifacts around, don't you think?

    All joking aside, you KNOW I will be waiting right along with you, and EVERYone else for your clean report in April!!

    BIG HUGS, my Friend!!! (((((((Kasey & Fred)))))))

    ~ Stacey

  12. Hi again, Cathy ~

    I think, personally, I would tell her, BUT in the calmest, most honest way possible. Give her ALL the info but make sure she knows that it very well COULD BE NOTHING. Given the fact that you are a nurse, I think she will take her biggest "cues" from you. That way, she will trust that she will get the facts from you. Personally, I do not believe ignorance is bliss - and for me, at least, it would be far more frightening to think someone was keeping the total truth from me.

    Hopefully, you will feel better after talking to her doc. Maybe they can get an expedited appointment for the CT so you can get some quick answers and put this behind you! Praying for good outcomes!

    Yours in HOPE!


  13. Hi Max ~

    Just checking up on you two...I'm sorry to hear about the pain issues, though. :( Hopefully, each day will get a little better. I'm reminded of our dear Debi - I think she likened it to being hit by a fleet of big-rigs...but everyday there was one less truck.... :shock:

    Wishing you & Inez a BETTER 2008! I know you have family in the area, but if you need anything, please holler! :wink:

    Gentle hugs & well wishes!!


  14. Hi again Hopeandstrength!

    Sorry you are having to face this worry again :( , BUT it could be so MANY other things, too! Especially on xray. It could simply be artifact, or residual infection/inflammation. When I picture "squiggly thing" on xray, I imagine it looks like what is described as "ground glass" opacity. It looks kinda like wisps of smoke, or "squiggly". I believe GGO can show up in pneumonia, and other infections, as well as some LC's.

    TRY not to worry too much (easier said than done, I know... :shock: ) Wait until after the scan - who knows - maybe it will be resolved by then...POOF! It does happen. That is what I will be hoping & praying for!!

    In the meantime...Wishing you & your Mom a Happy, worry (and LC) free 2008!!! Keep us posted!

    Yours in HOPE!


  15. Silly girl....OF COURSE you'll be back! LOTS of love, hugs, prayers and POSITIVE VIBES are heading your way!

    I'll be looking forward to meeting you & Geri at the Pub in January, so hurry up & get well!!!

    HUGS to you, too, Katie!! You are such an angel!

    Yours in HOPE!


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