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    DMiller reacted to AleHondaa in My updates (22 Years old, NSCLC)   
    Hey y’all,
    Happy New Years and happy holidays to everyone here! I want to thank y’all for being a support system that I didn’t think I needed until I tried this out. My latest scans show good results as more shrinking has taken place. Doc even says that it seems my lung is regrowing new and healthy tissue. It also seems that the spots in my back or decayed or dying off. If this keeps up I’m sure to be on a road to a clean bill of health hopefully. I tend to just live day by day appreciating whatever moments I get. I hope everyone else has had good luck in fighting their own battles and if it hasn’t my prayers are out for you to get better or get good news. 
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    DMiller reacted to AleHondaa in My updates (22 Years old, NSCLC)   
    Hey all, 
    Quick update, I’ve been pretty good. I’ve managed my nausea with an anti acid pill I was prescribed. Other than that life has been pretty normal as it gets, no sickness or anything. I’ve been working again as well, I’m just waiting for my next infusion. Hopefully y’all are good and good news has come yall way. 
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    DMiller reacted to AleHondaa in My updates (22 Years old, NSCLC)   
    Hey all,
    I've been feeling much better thankfully. All side effects from the vaccine have subsided. Mucus is still a pain in the rear but I can manage, plus I spoke to my doctor about managing it and she gave me options. Today is my second infusion so wish me luck! I have scans soon to check on the status of everything so hopefully they’ll be good. 
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    DMiller reacted to Rower Michelle in Durvalumab   
    Hi Mike, 
    Welcome to the Durva Club.  While I'm sorry you find yourself here, this is a good place to learn from a number of others who have crossed the Durva finish line.  
    I'm very familiar with Jane's program.   Here is the US, it's considered fairly controversial.   She's a big supporter of Metformin, and I've had physicians over here in the US take a deep dive into the research.   It's all inconclusive.  Supplements with lung cancer treatment can become very tricky.  One of my peers took a DIY approach and ended up unintentionally impacting the effectiveness of his treatment plan because it washed the chemo out of his system too quickly. 
    I am treated by a Board Certified Physician in Integrative Medicine. There are a number of supplements that I take that were reviewed and approved by both my clinical pharmacist and my oncologist.  My oncologist will generally go along with what the pharmacist recommends.  I am taking one off label drug, Low Dose Naltrexone (which is mentioned in the footnote of Jane's book).  LDN does have clinical evidence to support it's efficacy.  I've been taking that now for two and  a half years.  My labs and supplements are carefully monitored.  In the beginning as my treatment plan was initiated there were quite a few and as my cancer stabilized, many of them were discontinued to hold in reserve if there is a recurrence.  
     I think physicians's attitudes are starting to change about some of the alternative/integrative medicine approaches.  I've had lengthy discussions with my oncologist about this, at first he was skeptical, then he was curious, and now he says, let's not do anything different without talking to your Integrative Doctors.  
    Here's a resource from NY, Memorial Sloan Kettering for you to take look at: 
    I hope you find this helpful.  
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