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Posts posted by rvillella

  1. Vicky;

    I really don't have any answers either. I am just a starting freshman but have had to wait on some of the treatments because of surgery with dirty margins. I have an extremely hard time of waiting and all the beautiful people here have helped me with my anxiety. I will pray that you are done with the rounds and can spend time with your children. Mine are all grown and out of the house and I have 6 grandkids which I don't get to see to much. But when I'm through with all these treatments, I will be seeing them more than they want.


  2. Hi All;

    Just a quick update on everything so far. Started the radiation treatments on Wednesday. Seems like a big fuss for so little time. I get into the form, they line me up and then I get one dose then the machine moves and I get another. Takes all of 10 minutes. Fortunately the technicians are all nice and I can joke around a little. Had a scare on Monday. I woke up with a stuffy nose and couldn't seem to breathe like I was a couple of days before that. Took my temp and it was up to 99 degrees. Kept taking my temp all day and just before 3 PM it was up to 100.5.. Called the surgical PA and he told me to try and get an appointment with my Primary and failing that to go to the emergency room. Ended up in the emergency room till almost midnight, my poor wife was so tired after working all day and coming home to take me to the doctor. Ended up with some antibiotics. Not really sure what it is, but this is the way it started last time so both of us were kinda scared. Since then I'm having a really hard time sleeping at night. Guess I'm afraid it's all happening again. The ONC isn't to worried though. He just said to continue the treatments and keep him posted.


  3. Darci;

    My Radiation ONC is telling me not to eat a whole lot at one time but to space it out over the whole day. Something like six smaller meals. He also wants me to eat what I want as long as it is high in calories and such. I have only gained back 4 of the 25 pounds I lost during all this and my surgery was just over a month ago. I haven't had enough radiation treatments yet to know if I will have the problem with swallowing but I hope your FIL doesn't get those problems. Haven't started the chemo yet but I'm hoping it won't kick me to hard. Good thoughts and prayers for you and your family.


  4. Saw the Radiation Oncologist yesterday. He is a real breath of fresh air. So many doctors today don't tell you like it is, just tell you what they think you should know and leave it at that. Dr. Anders tells you everything about the procedure and the possible side effects and then answers your questions straight on. I am starting a 6 week regimen of radiation and a chemo of carbo/taxol. The radiation starts next week, about a month after the surgery and the chemo we're not sure of. I see that doctor (VA versus Teaching Hospital) on the 26th of this month. Just wondering what I may face in the near future. I am really wondering about the not being able to swallow part. Is it really that bad, or is it manageable? Thanks for the prayers and the help so far.


  5. My wife tells me that I am somewhat like your FIL in that I am not the same after the surgery and the diagnosis. I have learned to pay more attention to her and our kids (2 cats and a dog) so that I don't fall into that despair. I have taken care of myself and my family for to many years to be beaten down by something like this but I still get really mad at myself for not being able to do all the things I used to. And on top of all that my wife is my rock and my soul and we haven't even been married a year yet and she is holding me up and won't let me fall into that mind frame. Just remind your FIL that he can feel sorry for himself all he wants but he can't give up without a fight.


  6. I guess Mrs. Reeve's didn't read the part about not smoking. Oh wait she didn't smoke and according to everything I have read she never has. So it's not that smoking causes LC it's that everyone believes it does which makes it a bad :evil: thing to back in government, when they are suing the tobacco companies for not telling everyone the truth in the first place. Unfortunately when stars or others start dying of LC then money will start pouring in from other areas for research.

  7. Since I was in the Air Force I have been in almost every state except the far northeast and upper midwest. I have lived in NM,ID,WA,FL,VA,AK, been stationed in Germany,Turkey,Iraq,Philippines and been through numerous other countries.


  8. As someone who has lung cancer I know that I couldn't keep going knowing that I was relying on my wife and family to much. After the first week at home I asked my wife to go back to work and let me fend for myself during the day. So far it has been great. Now if I could only sleep through the night, then I would feel more normal. Please go on the trip and enjoy. When you come back you will be in a much better place to help out.


  9. Went and saw the docs yesterday. Got a good laugh. I had to hace blood drawn and x-rays done before the appt. So when they gave me the x-rays to take to the appt. I got curious. I pulled out the x-ray and thought this is so funny, just one lung in there and the rest is all white. Got a good laugh at that one. Met with the chief Onc, looks like radiation and chemo are in the works now. They are giving me a few weeks to recoup from the lung surgery and then into a regimen of radiation/chemo then just chemo. They intend on using Carboplatin and Paclitaxel. If any of you can let me know what I might expect from this I would appreciate it. Since they screwed up in the surgery I still have this desire to keep on kicking and want to make sure of what I'm getting myself into.


  10. I just had my right lung removed and barring any complications the pain is tolerable. I was using only one of the 2 prescribed pain pills since going home. It's been just over a week since the surgery and I am down to Tylenol 325 mg every 6 hours. The only real pain I have is when I forget the stitches in my back and turn really fast or stupidly.


  11. Hi all, Sorry my wife couldn't post but they couldn't keep her out of the hospital. Seems if it could go wrong it went wrong. The day I checked in the admitting officer asked about my VA Disability, abd whether or not I was getting any. Saying that I was and that it was a 70% disability, he asked why I was paying for all this. Much to my surprise they have been charging me full price instead of the partial they should have been. I went to the people who do the billing and they said they would see what they could do for me. The next day I went into surgery. They couldn't get the Vein they wanted to cooperate and then it seems they got rushed into getting me into the room. To make a long story short, the lung had attached itself to the chest wall, the cancer in the bonch was closer to the bronchial tube that the margin wasn't clear enough, the surgeon was trying to decide whether to just close the whole thing off and stop when one of the arteries was accidently cut and I lost 90 percent of the blood in my body. He made the decision to take the lung, worry about the margin later and last but not least, try not to leave any cancer. That little surgery lasted 18 hours. I am still a quart low on blood, which is why I will be on oxygen longer than they thought. And now it looks like a few rounds of Chemo and Radiation for anything they may have left because of the margin. Sorry this is so long, but I haven't been able to get this out to anyone other than my family and they don't know what it all means anyway. Thanks for the prayers, they did help.


  12. Well all, today I go in and tomorrow I have the lung removed. I won't be able to communicate for a little bit. I don't have my laptop and the VA doesn't use WiFi. But either my wife or I will post as soon as possible after the surgery. Everybody has been so kind and I want to thank you all again for the words of encouragement and support. I refuse to let this get me down or take me out. I'll be around for a long time.

    Ralph :wink:

  13. Sorry, being a computer geek the naming conventions are usually your first initial and last name to log in and use a system. My name is Ralph and I am a retired US Air Force enlisted guy. I currently work in a casino in the IT department. Which means I get to sit at a computer all day.

  14. Went to the onc today and they said they didn't want to see me. Said since the lymph nodes were clear there was no reason for me to be there. The tumor in the right bronch is 4cm X 2.5cm and the oncologist says that since it is in the bronc that I am a IIa. :shock: Onc doc says that they will monitor me but that I will have a lot better chance if they take the lung either partially or fully. Then they will look into some chemo (maybe)after the surgery. The surgeon came back in, same one who did the mediastenoscopy and said let's schedule this right away and see what we can do. :? So I am scheduled to go in on the 16th of August and have the surgery on the 17th. Then it's 5 days or so in the hospital and then the recovery at home. This is not going to beat me. I'm going to get through this and anything else that comes along.

    Thanks for the prayers and help recently. You all give me lots to shoot for.

  15. Well yesterday (Friday)they did the Bronch and the Mediastenoscopy. The surgeon says that the initial results on the lymphs is negative but that the tumor in the bronch is to close to the main bronch that they may not be able to do any resections. I see the Onc on Monday and then will decide if I get Chemo first to try and decrease the size of the tumor. Then maybe, just maybe they can do a resection and not have to take the whole lung. The surgeon says they should have the final results on the lymphs by sometime next week. Here's keeping your fingers crossed and all.


  16. I'm sitting here waiting for the hospital to call and tell me that they have a bed for me so that the surgeon can do both a bronchcoscopy and a mediastenoscopy. The VA is so backwards sometimes. The only good thing about it is :) the doctors are all from a local teaching hospital that is pretty good. The surgeon and the oncologist want to restage the cancer. I guess when the pulmonologist did the initial bronch they think the needle or the scope was contaminated because the pet scan didn't show any signs of cancer in the lymphs. :D I just needed to get some of this off my chest for now. Hopefully they will call soon and I will know whats going on.

  17. I am newly dx'd with NSCLC, don't know exactly what type, Stage is iffy right now. They did the PET on 13 july but it was inconclusive. The Pulmonary people are telling me that they will need to go in and look at the lymph nodes and take some samples which looks like it will be next week sometime. The surgeon is telling me that they will have to take the whole lung and I have a few questions about all that. I'm not sure what to expect in the way of how it will change my life. Will I still be able to work? Will I be able to have sex? Will I be able to do all the things I do now? Any Info would be helpful.


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