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Everything posted by z

  1. Both seem to be squamous cell, and my doctors are saying it is almost impossible to determine whether it is a primary or methastasis from my cervical, and that at this point it matters not much anyway. In brief, nobody really knows which one it is. No other areas of my body are lighting up on my pet-scan, if that helps In any case, I am curious to speak to people who experienced lung cancer after cervical cancer, regardless of the details. Thanks, Z
  2. Anyone here who had cervical cancer and then years later was diagnosed with Lung Cancer?
  3. http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/Health/story?id=1021974 http://entertainment.tv.yahoo.com/entne ... 12000.html
  4. To be more speciffic, one the: "Transbronchial aspiration of the medastinal lumph node" "The cellular picture shows a squamous cell carcinoma." If anyone has any other good questions I should be asking, eplase share:) Thanks, Z
  5. Yed, I agree... and it is us who are to make the noise. Unfortunately, these events help getting heard louder:) Z
  6. Considering the LC visibility in the media, with Jenkins and now Ms. Reeve, is this a good time to get something accomplished an to put this issues on the priority list? Z
  7. Cindi, I had a ultra sound guided bronchoscopy with a needle biopsy (after the regular bronchoscopies did not reach anything). He biosied 3 spots, with 3 needles. The 2 needles that went into the lung are negative (he probably did not reach far enough inside), and the one that went into the lymph node showed squamous cell carcinoma. I am trying to get more answers, and am setting up appointments with tons of doctors. Yours is a good question to ask - thanks. Z
  8. Well, the biopsy showed squamous cell in the lymph node (not good news there), and nothing on the other 2 places where the two other needles went. That is all. I cannot help but feel there shoudl be more:) Hope to talk to many more doctors the next few days. Z
  9. A Patient's Guide to Lung Surgery http://www.cts.usc.edu/lpg-thoracoscopy ... edure.html Vidoe of actual VAT surgery procedure - (you decide whether you can handle watching it - it is graphic) http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/surgeryvideos.html Patient stories http://www.siumed.edu/surgery/cardiotho ... ient3.html
  10. Mine has been going on since late June. Moving a bit faster than yours, though, since I managed to have 3 bronchoscopies since. Bronchoscopy is how they might first take a biopsy, depending on the location of the mass. If difficult to access, I would recommend you look into a ultrasound guided bronchoscopy right away, using a needle for biopsy - few centers do it in the US, but it worked right away. The first two, traditional bronchoscopies were a waste of time for me and taxing my lungs as well. Maybe you need to be more assertive with the doctors:?) Z
  11. Yes, I have Hopkins on my list, and was going to call as soon as I got the final bipsy report. Fox Chase looks good. Thanks, Z
  12. Thanks. That is interesting. I am trying to find out who/where does this therapy. Z
  13. Hi Cindi, So sorry to hear about what you have had to go through and you losing both brothers to lung cancer. This whole thing, us knowing so little about this desease, and the barbarity (if you would allow me) of the treatments that are standard today just make no sense to me. I still remember the two surgeries I had in 1998 and 1999 (the second one dealing with scar tissue which had swallowed my colon), and keep feeling there has to be a better way. I am awaiting the full biopsy report and then will consult with all kinds of folks and make some decisions. Will keep you posted. Thanks for your support and best of luck to you too. Z
  14. Oops, I sent the wrong link. That was info for the doctor that does this kind of a procedure. Here is info about the procedure: http://www.cancercompass.com/cancer-news/1,552,00.htm
  15. Thanks for your replies:) Here is info on Photodynarnic Therapy if you are interested: http://www.uphs.upenn.edu/surgery/fac/dlf.html Z
  16. Hi everyone, I am just about to be diagnosed with squamous cell lung cancer... so will be needing some help:) In 1998 I had cervical cancer, treated with a couple of surgeries and I seemed to be doing very well since. Atthat time I was 38, and now I am 44 years old. This last June my gynecological oncologist included a lung scan in my annual CT scan. Well, a 2 by 2.2 cm mass showed on my lung, and it was confirmed by a pet scan as well. I underwent two bronchoscopies, both of which were negative cause they did not seem able to reach the mass. Finally, last week I had a ultra sound guided bronchoscopy, with a needle biopsy (done only in a few hospitals in the US, but reportedly a standard practice in Europe). The next day the pulmonologist called to tell me that the pathologist had called him to say that at first look the biopsied cells looked like squamous cell carcinoma. The full report is yet to come, Monday or Tuesday. I have no symptoms (well, had none before all of these bronchoscopies) and look and feel perfectly healthy. I smoked since I was a teenager, but stopped at the end of 1997 and have not even wanted a cigarette since then. This is now a new turn in my life, of course. And I thought I was getting ahead... This caught me between two jobs, where I am paying for Cobra insurance on my own, while still on 3 months probation at my new job (1 month left), and not yet on their insurance. Not sure the new job will be so keen to have me take time off for treatments either. I am really apprehensive of yet another surgery and yet another part of my body being gone, and the thought of chemotherapy scares the heck out of me. So, I have been investigating what other therapies exist. Here comes my question - well, three questions: 1. Does anyone have any experience with Photodynarnic Therapy? 2. Any integrative medicine recommendations? 3. Is there anyone who has tried alternative treatments and can share experiences with me? Thanks, Z
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