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    debscasserra reacted to Maryloumoo in Home from surgery update!   
    Hi all! My surgery was 5/26/22. I had to stay 4 days because of the chest tube just wasn’t ready to come out. The tube was not painful, just very annoying. The nodule was cancer so they did the full lobectomy.
     The surgery wasn’t bad! I had a lot of nausea afterward, but that’s how anesthesia effects me always. Pain and nausea were controlled with meds and I was up walking the evening of the surgery. I had a combo davinci / vats- surgeon had to switch from robot to vats to get a better look and to actually go in with her fingers to find the culprit nodule! I am very sore but not in pain. My breathing is different, not painful just hard to take deep breaths. I’m do all the exercises and I feel like I will heal well.  
    surgeon is  confident she got all the cancer and no further treatments are warranted.  Just scans every few months. I’m happy with the outcome and glad it was not a recurrence of the other cancer I had! 
    i can’t remember who it is on here who is having the same surgery here soon and was very anxious, I hope whoever that is reads this! It’s not a day in the park but it’s really not that bad! I’m just sore and that’s it. I’m coughing as I should which can hurt a bit while I’m coughing but overall I feel pretty good. I got up this morning and made my own coffee and breakfast! Everyone is different, sure, but as far as surgery goes, this ain’t a bad one after the first day! Good luck to you. Here if you have any questions for me! 
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