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Posts posted by eppie

  1. Oh, Carleen....It;s hard to read the screen through my tears.

    You can do this. you have been doing this for so long. Just have to go a bit longer.....you are surrounded byprayers and love....

    Including mine.

    Much love,


  2. SOmetimes i have to make myself call my family...I live in Rhode Island and everyone is in Texas.

    IT hurts to hear their voices....I hear them and I am afraid I will break down and cry.

    But i do call. I amke sure I have a set idea of what I want to say. And if I cry, I do. I can;t let fear dictate my actions. Daddy wasn't like that and neither will I be that way.

    Joseppie, talk to us if you need to. You have not been abandoned. It's just that things get very quiet after our loved ones leave us. Make sure you stay busy. Call those people up and ask them to come over, go to the movies or something.

    My MIL formed a book club and attended a Grief Group. Both were very helpful.

    Much love,


  3. Bill,

    I feel that we should be grateful to you for sharing so much of the struggle with us.

    You and your son never gave up advocating for your wife's health. I know it is hard to feel proud of this just having lost your love and light but maybe in time it will comfort you to know you'all did your best for her.

    Much love,


  4. Oh Judi,

    I know that it hurts so much.

    My eyes are all full of this knowing just reading your post.

    Take care of your self and please know that we are here and we care.

    Some of us here have been where you are. It's just one foot in front of the other...but we do it because so many love us and need us to fight on.

    Much love and healing,


  5. I am thrilled to hear that you are getting married!

    Enjoy your self and take care. I don't like hearing that you are having heart problems.

    WE pray for eachother around here.

    THat is what makes this such a great place.

    Hugs toyou and yours!!!


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