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Posts posted by Patty

  1. You just go ahead and let it all out, because it hurts even worse if you don't. I am sending my best wishes and prayers to help you all through this very very sad and painful time. Leave nothing unspoken to your dear father. He will hear you and it will be of great comfort to him and to you, always. Take Care, Patty

  2. Hey Barb...Huge congratulations from one 52 yr old to another, just hope someday I can celebrate 6 yrs of NED too, and then you will be 11 yrs NED!!!!!


  3. Welcome Rose,

    There are many of us here that feel exactly or very close to what you are feeling. I, too, started getting more anxious after my surgery & chemo, around the one year mark and before every check-up. That is about when I joined here and everyone has helped me immensely. No one seems to really understand as well as those that "walk" there too. Your feelings and fears are validated here. Yes, every ache & pain makes us worry and some of us can just "feel" the cancer actually spreading inside ourselves. I know that I felt better knowing that I wasn't just feeling sorry for myself or crazy when everyone told me how they felt also. Some people put into actual words, what you are feeling and that helps too. I am also on 2 anti-depressants and Xanax, and those help too. Stick with us, you'll be glad you did. Patty

  4. Such great news! I wanna say well...duh...you politicians...like they are just noticing the sordid facts. Still it's great news. How do we all make more noise? Is there anything quick and easy we could do? Thanks so much Connie for pointing this article out. Patty

  5. I feel so horrible hearing about this. I know that there is no "sugar coating" this cruel disease and I don't know all your details...but what if her's is different than your father's and her body re-acts differently to treatment? What if they can put "it" into remission and keep her around longer (have you read about a lot of others on this board)? Did all the spots light up on the PET Scan? I was told that I had multiple spots all over at first...you can see on my profile. Maybe I am out of line saying all this, but like I said, I don't know the details, and what the doctors have said. Just know that I and all the rest of the people here, really care and always are hoping for the very best.


  6. Lots of thoughts, prayers, and very best wishes for good results. Those big lumps are more than likely nothing but maybe a side effect of something else and will probably go away as quick as they came.

    Sincerely, Patty

  7. Guess I feel like I need to get my opinion or lack there of, into this very good discussion. I totally agree with all of you, okay? One thing that I do have my own opinion about, is that in spite of all the money spent & earned, the enormous amount of education, so very many years of research etc; still nobody knows a damn thing for sure. Information gets changed daily on the 6:00 news. I personally don't completely trust what anyone says and that anyone is capable of doing anything, given the right or wrong circumstances. All the political mumbo jumbo just makes me sicker.

    Okay, now back to the issue at hand...smoking. As somebody that was unable to completely stop smoking and stay stopped for 30+ years, I have completely stopped, since the day I was told "that it looks like" lung cancer. I still feel guilty and ashamed of all those years of smoking, yet I still want a cigarette, and yes, I miss those days of when it was "okay" to smoke, and no, nothing in the world gives you the mental & physical pleasure/relief that a cigarette does. However, after having a lobe removed, just the thought of drawing that smoke down into my lungs completely disgusts me. No one has stopped smoking because of my lung cancer, not even my husband. As previously said, it is very much a personal decision and has nothing to do with how much someone loves someone. I do not doubt my DH's love for me for one minute. I just personally feel that after all I have been through to cure this cancer, that I have to do whatever is in my power to keep this cancer from returning. I can't/won't return to my last job because of the second-hand smoke I would get. If I was not given a chance for a complete cure, I really don't know how I would feel about not smoking. So, yeah, be real nice to your Mom.

    I am thankful that I am able to write all this and thankful for any listeners, and hope that it somehow helps somebody.


  8. Sending lots of prayers and thoughts your way, and much hope for that "magic bullet". Take care during this agonizing wait. Wish there was more I could say or do to help you through this.

    Hugs, Patty

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