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Posts posted by purplelady47

  1. Good going Tom!

    Sounds like you have made your picks for your "health care team"! Once you have the needle biopsy and meet with the oncologist you will have the possible game plans! I know this waiting time is challenging but you are doing a great job getting timely appointments! Keep up the good work!


    Pam in FL

  2. Hello Del ~

    I don't have any info on VATS, but I can empathize with your fatigue issue.

    I just finished my 4th of 8 chemo treatments and the fatigue is whipping my butt! Prior to chemo, I was running at full steam from 6 am to 11pm each day - working, parenting, doing domestic goddess stuff and many volunteer and arts/craft activities. Now I am not working, the dust bunnies have become residents in our home and I have put my volunteer activities on the back burner for awhile. Basically, I am parenting, keeping the house somewhat tidy, grocery shopping and cooking, doing laundry, reading, some arts/crafts and BECOMING A CANCER SURVIVOR!!

    I used to beat myself up pretty bad about being sooooooooo tired, but I was wasting alot of precious energy doing that. Now I have learned to plan my activities for the time when I feel good. I also have learned not to over-do it on my good days. If I over do stuff, then I am wiped out the next day. I still get a bit frustrated about it - my thought is that if I am tired and I rest, then why am I tired??? But I realize that there is a war going on in my body - the cancer cells are battling the chemo and this war is just very tiring to the battleground - my body.

    I have learned to schedule my naps when I need them and my friends and family now understand that this is a necessary and important part of my survivorship. I've also had to reprioritize (is this a word?) my responsibilities so that I can utilize my energy in activities that are important to me, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

    Between the surgery and the chemo, your body is going to be tired. My best advice is to listen to your body and rest when your body says "I am tired". Naps and good, restful sleep are so very, very important.

    And this is coming from a woman who didn't use the word "nap" in her vocabulary four months ago.


    All the best,

    Pam in FL

  3. Greetings everyone!

    I've been lurking for a couple of weeks and have finally decided to post. What a supportive and courageous group of people! Although I am not thrilled to be here (major understatement), I am very glad to find a community of wise folks with whom to share my journey.

    I was diagnosed with Stage IV NSLC on December 9, 2005. I have had 4 Carbo/Taxol treatments and my CT scan after treatment #3 shows about 30% shrinkage of the tumors in my lung and mediastinum and stability of the mass in my adrenal glands. YEAH!!!

    I've had minimal side effects from the treatment so far - fatigue and muscle/joint pain. I've gained about 12 lbs and feel good most days.

    I am a single mother of a wonderful 27 year old daughter (married and living in Baltimore) and a great 10 year son (I adopted when his parents were unable to care for him). We live in FL and I am blessed with a large support network of family and friends.

    I stopped in the chat room last week and look forward to participating in the group.

    Thanks so much for being here!


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