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Posts posted by dihen

  1. Hi Bill, sorry you have to be here but welcome to the board. You are wonderful at putting your feelings down in writing, and I imagine it is very therapeutic to do so, so keep doing it!! I hear you about the wonderful gift of having dogs in our lives (you can see my two in my avatar)...mine are a constant source of unconditional love and comfort.

    Good Luck to you...

  2. Glad to hear that your mom is recovering nicely from surgery. I know how you feel though about 'losing time', as it often seems that things/doctors, etc. move at a snail's pace when it comes to treating our loved ones or ourselves. And it drives me nuts when they say "a few weeks won't make a difference". UGH!

    Hang in there though - sounds like your mom is progressing nicely!

  3. {{{Jackie}}} Your post really tugged at my heart - I will never forget all the anguish, turmoil and tears that were shed when my mom was first diagnosed with lung cancer. It's all so overwhelming in the beginning, but as you learn about the different options and approaches to fighting it, you will find hope. Your mom appears to be a fighter, and with that attitude, and the love and support from you and your family, she will find the strength and hope to battle and win!

    May peace be yours in this very trying time...

  4. Thank you all for your ideas and suggestions, and easing my and my mom's mind! I had no idea that we could get the supplier to have oxygen delivered to our destination, thanks Frank! I definitely feel more confident about the trip now, and hopefully mom will have less fear now and decide that she make the trip too! Thanks again.

  5. Sadly, my sister and I are planning a trip down to Virginia (from Pennsylvania) to visit my uncle, who has extensive sclc and doing very badly, and my mother (had a lower right lobectomy in March and is on oxygen) wants to come with us but is afraid to travel too far with oxygen tanks.

    Other than keeping them out of the trunk and in an upright position, are there other precautions we can/should take?

    I'm hoping to convince her to just bring her oxygen compressor along so we can limit the number of portable tanks we need to carry in the car. I think we (mostly mom) all fear that there will be some big explosion if we are in an accident. Is this true?

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated...thanks!

  6. Beth, I don't have any answers for you as my mom did not have to go the radiation/chemo route before or after her surgery but I wanted to let you know that I feel for you and your mom and family, and will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.

  7. :D Thank you! I bet your baby is cute too!

    BTW, The golden retriever is Bub (male 14 y/o) and the border collie mix (probably part Lab!) is Beau (male 8 y/o). They also have two cat brothers, Benson and Bailey, both orange/white.

  8. Beth,

    I'm sorry to hear about your mom's diagnosis and the decisions that you are now facing. When my mom was first diagnosed with lung cancer in late January of this year, nothing else mattered but being by her side every moment of every day, so I know how you are feeling.

    Listen to your heart - it will lead you in the right direction in terms of work, etc.

    Praying for your mom, you and your family..

  9. Mendy,

    My mom is a bit older than your husband (64 y/o) and also had severe COPD prior to getting lung cancer and having a lower right lobectomy in March 06. Prior to surgery, she was able to do almost anything (except hills and steps) without getting out of breath, and never used oxygen.

    After surgery, her biggest obstacle has been and continues to be shortness of breath (SOB). She was very discouraged for months and suffered with severe SOB upon the slightest exersion, even after pulmonary rehab and doing stuff at home (arm and leg exercises, stationary bike, etc).

    But she kept working hard and tried to stay as positive as she could, and now 7 months post-surgery, the SOB of breath has gotten much better, it's still there but not as debilitating.

    With your husband's age, I am sure he will get better!! It might take a little time, or a few months, but tell him to stay positive, and do as much as he physically can by himself to get stronger, etc.

    I wish him the best!

  10. I'm glad your surgery went well, but nothing like getting tested on the first night home :) You passed with flying colors!

    I think it's very important that you follow up with your local cancer specialist, and glad you will be doing so!

    All the best in your recovery - hope it's speedy and you are back to normal in no time.

  11. Oh, I noticed that surgery was not an option for your mom because of her emphysema. This was also what we were originally told/advised because of my mom's extensive emphysema, but after meeting with a renowned lung surgeon at University of Pennsylvania, she opted for surgery. All went well, and her first post-surgery PET scan showed NED, but she has not been able to shed the oxygen since surgery, and still has severe SOB (oxygen goes down to the mid 70's!) upon exertion.

    I think one of the hardest thing with cancer is trying to determine the best course of action in terms of treating it...:-(

  12. Hi Karen,

    Just wanted to let you know that you and your siblings are not alone - either one of my siblings or I, or someone from our extended family has always accompanied my mom to all of her appointments or procedures (even a basic lung xray) to all of her different doctors since her cancer diagnosis. It is our way of staying in the loop and getting the "whole" story.

    In the beginning, my mom didn't want to 'bother' anyone to go with her but after awhile, she said she felt so relieved that someone in the family, other than my dad, goes with her and gets the information.

    All the best to your mom - may she continue to improve each and every day!

  13. Kathleen, not much more to add but wanted to let you know that your mom will be in my prayers. I read your profile and saw that your mom and dad celebrated their 60th anniversay, that is so wonderful, and they apparently produced a very loving and caring daughter in you. God bless you all as you continue to fight this beast!!!

  14. Hi Greenlass, sorry about your b/f's diagnosis. I think all of us have felt like you do after we initially learn that a loved one has cancer. All of these feelings are normal! When my mom was first diagnosed, I spent the first 2-3 weeks depressed and crying myself to sleep - nothing else in the world mattered. Keep coming here for support - I know the people here were a life-saver to me, many of them will never know how much they have helped me by what they have shared and continue to share. You will somehow find a way to rise up and be strong, but at first, it's very overwhelming.

    Wishing you and your b/f the very best...

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