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Posts posted by TracyD

  1. Thanks for the post, it is amazing how just knowing that there are people out there that understand what I'm going through makes it all just a little bit easier.

    Unfortunately, the news is not what we were hoping for, although it wasn't too bad. I posted all the info in another post.

    Thanks again.


  2. Yes, it's true ... cancer really sucks. The primary tumor is definitely growing and there are now nodules in my left lung (what I previously considered the "good" lung). The growth is small, but it is no longer questionable.

    We are moving on to Alimta, had my first infusion today. We were given the choice of waiting until next week, but we're not giving this stupid thing another day to grow. Compared to the carbo/taxol/avastin infusion alimta is a breeze, five hours versus 10 minutes. I can feel the cancer dying (again) already.

    We've got a lot of plans this weekend with good friends, you know, the kind of people that will let me sit on a couch and wait on me hand and foot if needed.

    I feel that I'm in a much better place starting chemo this time than last, I'm not as panicky. I asked my doc how many chemos there are to try and he told me that there are lots and that I would run out of patience before we ran out of chemos to try ... I told him I have a LOT of patience.

    My last treatment lasted 10 months, I figure, if I can get that out of Alimta that will get me to two years, and by then there will something new to try.

    Have a good night all, thanks for being here.


  3. I have scans this morning and I'm pretty sure they are not going to show what I want. I have been having on again off again pain in my right shoulder blade, and pain lower down my back on my right side, the side with the cancer. Some days I don't notice it, but the other day it was really bad.

    I'm trying to prepare myself for the news I expect to hear, while still holding out hope that I am going to be pleasantly surprised.

    Overall I feel quite well, I've been walking three miles a day a few days a week, have no breathing problems, and am still as active as I ever was.

    I still sometimes have a hard time believing that I could have such a serious illness in my body when I feel this good.

    Anyway, I won't get the results until next thursday. As a good friend told me, the cancer is what it is, the scans are just information, and the more information we have, the better our chances of finding the right treatment (Thank you Jodi).


  4. I'm going to junp in and join this club. For months I've been complaining about a shoulder and side ache which is on my right side, right where the cancer is. I tell people it feels like I've pulled a muscle. When I stretch out on my right side iot is a bit tender until I stretch out, then it's fine.

    When my doc asks me to rate any pain I'm having I say zero, because it's not pain. I've told him about this ache but so far there seems to be no explanation as my cancer has shrunk and has been relatively stable now for six months.

    What's going on?????


  5. I just opened todays newspaper, The Boston Globe, and a pretty pink flyer fell out. Apparently, in order to "honor all the women in our lives" on Mother's Day, my newspaper is going to donate 25 cents from every paper sold on Mother's Day to the Susan G. Komen Foundation.

    I am so mad and sad and frustrated and bitter, I just want to scream! I am deflated. Why couldn't they just donate money to a foundation which is looking for a cure for any and all cancers? What makes breast cancer so sacred? Why couldn't I have gotten that? At least then everyone would rally around me and throw lots of fundraisers to find me a cure.

    Do I cancel my subscription? It's the only decent paper around (although, I find it be a bit left leaning for my taste). Will an angry email do any good?


  6. I take off all of my jewelry at night, except for my necklace. I have two very special crosses that were given to me as gifts and I alternate wearing them.

    One of them was "loaned" to me by my cousin. She has travelled to Rome numerous times and has had her cross blessed by two Popes including our current Pope Benedict. Pope John Paul II blessed it twice.

    The other was given to me by my best friend, Jodi, and it belonged to her mother. Her mother was diagnosed with advanced stage ovarian cancer when Jodi was a little girl. Her mom passed away more than 30 years later, not from cancer, and just two days after I was diagnosed with lung cancer.


  7. Oh Betty, what wonderful news!! :D:D:D

    What a difference a year makes, don't you think? A year ago you were sick and didn't know you had cancer, now you're feeling much better and living with cancer, or at least the idea of it. You are so strong.

    Here'a a toast to the docs getting it wrong, and to your continued good health for many, many more years!


  8. Hi Lilly,

    I struggled with the issue of spending money on "nonessentials" for the house for a long time. We had just moved into a brand new house only months before I was diagnosed, and believe me, there was a lot of work that needed to be done.

    For a while I was paralyzed with fear and doubt. I thought, why bother putting up curtains and pictures and painting if I'm not going to be here to enjoy it. But at some point I realized that I AM still here, and I DO have a life, and I want to enjoy it. Part of that enjoyment is making my house the home that I wanted it to be before I had cancer, for both me and my family. I want my children to have a home, with or without me, because I know my husband won't be hanging curtains if I'm not here!

    Lilly, go out and get those curtains if they will make you happy. Do all the little (and big) things that will make you happy now, don't waste time waiting for a better time.

    Take Care,


  9. Sharon, I'm sorry to hear the Avastin stopped working, that's just rotten. I am praying that your doctors will find the right treatment to knock this thing out of the park.

    On this Easter weekend I believe that miracles can happen, for all of us.


  10. I miss being able to get ready in 15 minutes in the morning. Not having to do my hair really cut my morning routine time in half. I only recently have started blowdrying my hair again and it's funny how unnatural it feels.

    I also miss having an excuse to just sit back in the afternoon and watch TV, I got hooked on Grey's Anatomy during chemo. I will admit though that I have spent a couple afternoons, post chemo, watching movies. Cancer has taught me to take a little more time for myself, something I never used to do.


  11. While the news wasn't what we had hoped for, it also wasn't too bad. Apparently my lungs are now clear except for the primary tumor, which is being stubborn. My last scans showed possible growth of that tumor, although very slight. The new scans basically showed the same. The good news is that if there's growth it is very small and everything else appears to be gone.

    The plan is to do another round of Avastin and scan again in eight weeks. I'm feeling really well and my quality of life is great so I do not want to rush back to chemo quite yet.

    So basically we are at the watch and wait stage. Spring is here and I'm feeling better than I was a year ago, we are very thankful for that.


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