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Posts posted by Steph74

  1. Marci - thank you so much for your reply to my message and thank you for praying for us, I will also pray for a "GREAT" scan for your mom and you. Sounds like you guys have been through a lot - and your relatively new to this journey, lean on us whenever you need us.

  2. Hi Bridget - I'm so sorry for your husband's diagnosis, but welcome from a fellow Illinoisian! I I hope he decides to get treatment at one of the Comprehensive Cancer Care Centers in the area. Rush (Dr Phil Binomi) and Evanston Northwestern (Dr Tom Hensing) have some of the BEST oncologists when it comes to lung cancer in Chicago. I did TONS of research and interviewed many docs in the area. Just an FYI in case you are still looking. Take care and sending good wishes your way.

  3. I posted last night that I thought we'd get bad news at the scan results today, and we did. The mets to the liver have increased, meaning the Gemzar must not be working. The doctor said no chemo today since my mom is in such pain. He wants to have a "meeting" next week. I'm guessing he's going to suggest no more treatment. My mom isn't at deaths door - by any means. She is in pain, but she is still driving, doing errands, etc. She maybe takes one nap a day. I know it's ultimately her decision, but this is so hard for me to wrap my head around. I wanted to thank you for all your heartfelt responses to my post last night, this is the first place I go too when I get news on the cancer, the only people that TRULY understand.

  4. The emotional roller coaster starts again, we get her scan results tomorrow morning...the last few scans haven't gone too well, and I'm scared we'll get bad news on this one as well. Ever since the Tarceva stopped working, it's been down hill, none of the chemos have really worked. In five short weeks my mom will officially be a Two Year Survivor, we should be happy, but I can't seem to remember my life before this disease, I feel like it's been here forever... :evil: I have been having terrible back pain these last few weeks, which probably could be contributed to carrying a toddler, and of course I worry that it could be a sign of lung cancer, I know I'm delusional, but it's how I live my life now - in fear. Thanks for listening, I needed to vent, I normally try to be optimistic but I've been having a "blah" week. Wishing Good Scans for you and/or your family this new years!!

  5. I'm so very sorry, I'm a HUGE animal lover and have 2 dogs and a cat. They become your family and are there through think and thin for you. Both my dogs are 12 and slowing down as well. I've gone through the deaths of two others. I know it's hard to think about right now, but maybe someday soon you will find it in your heart to get another "addition" to your family, you'd be amazed at how much it helps the hurt.

  6. That sucks - though if you have to have cancer anywhere - it's better to have it in the bones (than anywhere else, at least according to our doc. My mom was on the chemo Alimta, it's not as harsh as carbo/taxol, she had it for a few months, but when it spread to the liver, they put her on gemzar. I've heard good things about Alimta though and I'm hopeful that it will work in your mom. WBR is scary, but it's not the end of the world, my mom had the same issues as yours. She's still doing ok.

  7. My mom has had bone mets since the start (Feb 06) - she has been on a cycle of Zometa (once a month) - my understanding is that it is the only thing they have for bone mets with lung cancer. She is in pain, but is still functioning fine. She has them on her spine/ribs/hips and spleen. Best of luck to you.

  8. Gosh - that is such a blow, I'm so sorry. That is really good advice - seeing a counselor, maybe even looking into anti depression medication. I relied on both when my mom was first diagnosed. I kind of understand what you are going through - I'm 33, and my mom's caregiver (she's 56) and my Dad is sick too, he's only 59 and has a neurological disease that is degenerative as well. I'm holding out hope, but kind of expecting the worst. We are here for you.

  9. Marci - I feel the same way, we moved my mom into our two flat - so we live upstairs, she lives downstairs, my family is in OHIO and I'm an only child, and she is divorced, it's just me. We have family visit - but it's me doing most everything else in dealing with my mom. My advice - take time for yourself whenever possible (even reading a couple minutes at bedtime), have dinner with your husband. I got so wrapped up in cancer that my job, marriage, and physical self suffered. I've learned to take a step back now.....

  10. Carleen - I don't post very often, but I've followed your story religiously for the past year and a half that I've belonged to this group. The pain and ups and downs you experienced were heartbreaking, and I felt your anguish each time you posted. Your husband was a lucky man to have such an incredible and supportive wife by his side. It sounds like you are picking up the pieces (slowly) and moving forward - which is good, it's great. Please know we are here to listen,

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