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Remembering Dave

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Posts posted by Remembering Dave

  1. Mini, sorry you are here but glad you found us. There are a lot of good people here with a lot of info but they may need to know a bit more about what kind of cancer and the stage etc. My cancer was not operable so unfortunately I cannot give you any advice but we are all here to support you as you go down this path. My prayers are with you and your family. Keep the positive attitude, it makes a tremendous difference!!!

    David C

  2. Hey Ray, buddy. Hang in there. You know Ada has a good idea about keeping a log of how you fel and trying to adjust your schedule. Something I started doing was going in a lot earlier, that way I could put in my time and get out early. Don't know if you have a job you could do that with but that is an option. Like I said before, hang in there, drink, drink, drink and keep the good thoughts. My prayers are with you.

    David C

  3. Jack, you hit the nail squarely on the head. This site is great, full of caring, compasionate, fun people who are all going through the same thing. Attitude and support can make the difference in our lives as we go through this.......thing. I am so glad you and your wife have found this site, let us know how things are going as you progress along the road ahead. My prayers are with you and your wife.

    David C

  4. Way to go Ray!!!!! Here's to smooth sailing through the rest of the treatments. Remember to not over do it and drink a whole lot of water and eat protien--Cottage cheese with pinnaple and peaches. You will be fine, just remember symptoms of the cure!!! Keep the positive attitude, you can do it!!!

  5. Ray, for me I would get real tired around the 3rd day and could really notice a slow down. Just don't try and do too much during your first cycle and let it do what it is going to do to you and learn how you feel. Usually by the end of the 2nd week I started getting more energy. I have gone out on my poontoon boat numerous times while undergoing treatment and have worked in the garden and on my car etc. You just have to do everything in moderation. You will figure out what you can and cannot do. If you overdo it you will be out of it for a few days and then bounce right back. I have started carrying around a water bottle with me and like everybody has said--DRINK, DRINK, DRINK. A good high protien food is cottage cheese. I HATE COTTAGE CHEESE, but it is actually pretty good with peaches and pinnaples cut up in it. I would take a large container of cottage cheese and one can of peaches and one can of pinnaple (you have to cut up the pinnaple and peaches and mix them all together, oh, it also helps to put a little of the juice in the mix. The crock pot is good for meats to get them tender and fish has a ton of protien also.......don't do fish in the crockpot.......... I never had a problem with nasuea, well one day I did after my first round of chemo but none since then. They put some stuff in the chemo to prevent nasuea and it really helped me. The stuff they put in does keep you wired and I have problems sleeping for the first few days after chemo. I started swilling some nyquil during chemo week and it deffinitely helped. I really am serious about the music. The place I have my chemo is pretty nice but still the fact that a lot of people are there getting chemo can be a little depressing so the music really helped me to tune it all out and before I knew it it was over. OK, I have rambled enough here. Hang in there buddy you can do it just remember--any side effects are a symptom of the cure.....not the disease!!!

    David C

  6. Ray, one more thing. Music Soothes The Savage Beast!!! Bring a walk-man or a disc-man to your chemo sessions. You can tune out the surroundings and be in your own little world. It worked wonders for my mental state while taking chemo. I listened to Shostakoviches 5th Symphony for most of my chemo sessions. I would be glad to send you a copy if you would like, it is an awsome Cancer fighting symphony, you can see the cells dying by the thousands.

    David C

  7. Ray, buddy, how is that twitch coming?? Your doc and nurse are right-there is new stuff coming out all the time. Treatments now are so much more advanced than 10 years ago. Attitude is is the difference. When I was Diagnosed I researched and saw the horrible statistics and started thinking I only have a year or a couple of years left and then I said to myself-the hell with the statistics. Statistics do not apply to me, they never have. The only thing that cannot be accomplished is what you tell yourself cannot be done. Roll with the chemo, it effects everybody differently. I have done pretty good with it just fatigued all the time and have to drink constantly because.........well, email me privately if you want to know why for that one. I figure even if mine does come back, or if it truely is not all gone then all I have to do is wait it out for a couple of years and there will be a cure. Like Sam said lets kick some cancer butt and go fishing, come to think of it it's a good idea to go fishing while the battle is on-just stay out of the sun while on your chemo. You can do it Ray, keep the good thoughts.

    By the way, you getting a port?

    David C

  8. Deanna, Thank you for your reply to my post. That is great that your moms cancer is shrinking!!!! You said your mom just finished her 6th round of chemo. When I asked my Onc. if I could get any more than 6 ( I am only at 4 now) He told me that he was giving me the max dosage and the max amount of chemo rounds he could. He said nobody should go more than 6 rounds at a time. However I think you said they were going to wait 6 months and that does seems a bit long to wait. It may be that they have to wait 6 months to get the chemo poison out of her system before they pump her full of more chemo. That may be a question to ask. I am going to be checked every 3 months. Are they going to check her after 3 or 6 months? Hopefully the chemo still in her system will continue to shrink the cancer. My prayers are with you and your mom.

    David C

  9. I met with the Oncologist today to go over the results of my CT Scan which I had this past Friday. He said that there was no evidence of cancer in the Scans!!!!!!!!! Karen and I just kind of sat there stunned when he told us. We had hoped for him to tell us it was shrinking and were just blown away when he said that there was no evidence. He said that there was something going on in the left lung where the tumor was but he thought it was just scar tissue. He said I would not be able to tell if it is deffinitely gone until I could have a PET Scan which he said I could not do until I was finished with my chemo. which I have 2 more rounds of chemo to go. Thank you to everyone here at this site. Prayers have been answered. I will continue to pray for myself and everyone who has this dreaded disease. I am a survivor!!!!!!!!! Now lets concentrate on evryone else here. Come on we can beat this.

    David C.

  10. Debi, sounds like the people you work with are very supportive, it is a shame that the people you work for are not!!! Shannon is right, you do not need to worry about paying your bills at a time like this. She is alo correct that if it ever comes a time where you feel you cannot make payments to your creditors you need to contact them. I am a mortgage underwriter and have seen this numerous times. The only other thing I would sugest is try not to use one of these consumer credit agencies, again I have seen it numerous times where the borrower makes the payments to the agency and the agency does not make payments to the creditors in a timely manner and it hurts the borrower more. I would file bankruptcy before I would use one of these but contacting your creditors is the first step--enough of that. Good luck with the surgery, you are going to a highly rated place to get it done and we are all here for you. I will say an extra prayer for you. Hang in there and keep us all posted.

    David C.

  11. JAnie, I am so sorry to hear about your'e friend. You are correct that everybody id different and you can only guess what your friend may need. After my first treatment I was a little tired but welcomed visitors. I am in the middle of my 4th round of chemo now. People seem scared to come by thinking I may not want visitors but in my case I welcome visitors and phone calls. Even though fatigue is more than likely going to be a factor with your friend she may still like to just have a friend stop by to talk, help do things around the house etc. I have my wife and my folks and my wifes folks nearby and they have been a tremendous help just keeping the place clean, cooking, making sure I am drinking enough fluids and getting the reccomended anmount of protein etc. Just being there is going to help your friend. There are many differnt chemo drugs and different side effects which go along with the different drugs so as far as specific side effects your friend should get a printout from the doctor as to what to look for. I wish you and your friend the best.

    David C

  12. WOW, New York to Oklahaoma!! Thank God for the internet huh?!?! That move must have been a bit of a culture shock. I was born in Texas and now live in Virginia. I wish I could enthusiastically say welcome but we all know we would rather be anywhere else but here. This is a terrific bunch with lots of good advice. Sounds like you have taken charge of your cure which I belive is the most important thing. We all have our good and bad days but getting on here always seems to help me even though I am a very new member and have not posted much, just reading some of the other postings helps. You can and will beat this. Never let that leave your mind. The power of positive thinking can do wonders.

    David C

  13. Hello, just saw your posting and all the wonderful responses. This is a terrific bunch here. You will beat this thing. The power of positive thinking is an awsome thing. Imagry is a powerful thing also, it can make your mind and body do amazing things. Find a phsycologist who specializes in it to help you. Your insurance should cover it. I had some introductrion to imagry when I was a proffessional musician (former life) but I was referred to a psychologist who soley works with cancer patients and specialized in Imagry and she reall helped to focus my mind and gave different sugestions as to ways to do the Imagry to erradicate the cancer from my body. I am 38 years old with a 20 mointh old baby girl and I WILL see her get married and have children of her own. There is no doubt in my mind. Remember Len, YOU CAN BEAT THIS! Don't even think about looking at statistics, you are too young to even begin to fit into the statistics, you are a unique individual who will shatter the statistics and see your kids grow up. Keep us all posted on how you are doing.

    David C

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